Are you living with mental illness?

I love all of the responses :) I have been trying to focus only on positive in my life. Negative really makes me into someone I don’t want to be or anyone to be around. I have cut people out or made different choices mentally the past few weeks. I’m hoping this holiday season can be joyful and not depressing. Looking for a new car is stressful amongst having a fixed income but praying something comes through.
I love all of the responses :) I have been trying to focus only on positive in my life. Negative really makes me into someone I don’t want to be or anyone to be around. I have cut people out or made different choices mentally the past few weeks. I’m hoping this holiday season can be joyful and not depressing. Looking for a new car is stressful amongst having a fixed income but praying something comes through.
I genuinely have empathy.......last few years have been a really slippery slope for me. I've found passions that really help me rise above the pain and melancholy, the anxious and beaten down emotions. No plans in life is a surefire way to go into depression. Just speaking for myself of course. There is an old Navajo saying that gives me perspective........" Dark winds blow on everyone , you have to power through it ." . Will power has salvaged my old ass. It's so vital in order to avoid a downward spiral. Sounds like a lot of weight on you. Eliminate it if ya can , just like cutting sandbags off hot air'll fly higher. I'll be pulling for ya...hopefully you can turn this shit around and truly get engaged with some creative passion(s).

Hi Sierra

I'm diagnosed and successfully treated for Schizoaffective disorder - basically: Schizoaffective disorder is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal thought processes and an unstable mood.] The diagnosis is made when the person has symptoms of both schizophrenia (usually psychosis) and a mood disorder—either bipolar disorder or depression.

I suffered depression and mania every year until I got on the medication I need.

Sierra do you grow or consume cannabis?

I have the same..
Mines called schizophrenia/ bipolar disorder..
I have schizophrenia, and it's all my fault :(. I put myself in a situation where I ended up getting exposed to mercury, and developed a permanent psychosis as a result.
Mine was always there.. Just never knew what it was until I turned 35.. I'm 40 NOW
I got the actual diagnosis in 2018.. around the time it really started getting bad
It's good to see mental health being discussed so openly. Thank you all for sharing your own experiences and perceptions. I've battled depression for as long as I can remember and it's not been a lot of fun. Doctors that I've seen agree with the fact that I have depression but they were hard pressed to come up with another diagnosis for some of the other behaviors that I've exhibited. After three and a half months of trying to come up with a diagnosis, they finally settled on 'schizoaffective disorder'.. (which I had suggested to them based on my own experiences and research) ..I've been on all kinds of medications.. (all of which did nothing for me) ..and, aside from not being forced to work, nothing has helped me more than daily meditation. I actually gave up the cannabis because, in a nutshell, it opened more spiritual doors than I could emotionally handle.. (It's a long story)

They say that the excessive drinking associated with alcoholism is only a symptom of something much larger in the realm of spiritual sickness. I'm of the mindset that depression can often be seen as a symptom especially for those that tend to be very empathic. This world is pretty messed up and as the saying goes.. "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention." ..The way I see it, the word 'angry' can easily be replaced with the word 'mad' as in.. "We're all mad here!" steal a popular quote from Alice in Wonderland. Recognizing the problem is always the first step to recovery so I'm grateful to be able to recognize the madness in myself and society in general. The native Americans have long called the spiritual sickness that plagues mankind 'Wetiko' and you can read more about it in the link below. It's easier said than done but when shit starts getting weird, I need to remember to remind myself to just be. Best of luck to you all. Each of you has a friend right here so if you ever need to vent I'm always available. I mean it. You never have to go it alone.

My add is so bad it is crippling. I've been off meds since last year of college and marijuana is the only thing that helps. My mind walks in circles and I physically walk on circles when trying to start a task sometimes. The only thing I can always do is tend to my girls. Everything else is a daily struggle. It's like having a big wall in your brain. You wait for "perfect" times to do things because you think a perfect time exists if you just wait for it. And waiting can make things go into disrepair. It's hard. And not what people think ADD is.
I have the same problem. I can do pretty well taking care of living things but I have a problem trying to focus on tasks. I get so mad at myself. It has cost me so much in life. Cannabis helps but is definitely not a cure. I make lists of things I need to do. Sometimes I have to get it down to 15 minute intervals. Most people I know would never guess my problem. I'm pretty good at hiding it from everyone except family and very close friends. I think most of us have some kind of problem. Is anyone normal?
Get over it
Professional isn’t just a way to profit
They are trying to help
Brother. This. I have seen countless people on posting something along the lines of this on social media:
"I have tried everything over the last 15 years to find out why I act and think this way, and why I am so psychotic, what do I do. I refuse to trust anyone that gets paid to help me?"

They have tried everything bar seeking professional treatment. Crazy how they will trust unqualified strangers on the internet that go on to criticize them heavily, but wont trust any form of professional therapy.
After three and a half months of trying to come up with a diagnosis, they finally settled on 'schizoaffective disorder'.. (which I had suggested to them based on my own experiences and research) ..I've been on all kinds of medications.. (all of which did nothing for me) ..and, aside from not being forced to work, nothing has helped me more than daily meditation.

I'm surprised at how many people have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, which I have too.

What meds are they treating you all with? My big two are antipsychotics, Seraquil and Halo Paradol.

I'm surprised at how many people have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, which I have too.

What meds are they treating you all with? My big two are antipsychotics, Seraquil and Halo Paradol.

Prephenizine ( trilafon), gabepentin, stratera,
I was on vraylar but it costs almost 2,000$ for 30 pills.. the gabepentin is used to replace the valium I was on.. I'm also taking buspirone
I'm surprised at how many people have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, which I have too.

What meds are they treating you all with? My big two are antipsychotics, Seraquil and Halo Paradol.

MediTation is my only mediCation which enables inner mediation.
My thoughts go to OP and everyone else in this thread that suffers from mental illness.

This is hard for me, but in a total opposite kind of way. I have been blessed. I have high levels of dopamine and serotonin. Even on worst days, I have never felt depression, dips in mood, or anything of the sort.

I have the opposite of an a addictive personality. In my early teens we sold cocaine and I would sniff huge amounts only to quit cold turkey when my first born son arrived. I smoked cigs for over a decade and stopped cold turkey one day. I watched some of my friends ruin their lives, and to this day, still suffer battling things I could simply walk away from.

I have been around addicts, depressed people, people with mental disorders, and I just cant relate. I never know what to say because I just cant understand how some people cant say "fuck it" like I can and feel no lows or sorrow. I'm terrible because I walk out on people, just because I cant relate or am no help at all. And lets be real, being around a depressed person will lower the mood of anyone who is close. I usually run away.

I do have empathy however and feel bad for people in these situations.

A good friend was suffering, we tried all sort of remedies. Marijuana, mood stabilizers, with no success. My friend has been on Wellbutrin for several years and has totally changed. Praise to modern medicine.

Other than telling my own story, I have nothing to add besides wishing you all the best and hope you can find happiness again.

Hi Sierra

I'm diagnosed and successfully treated for Schizoaffective disorder - basically: Schizoaffective disorder is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal thought processes and an unstable mood.] The diagnosis is made when the person has symptoms of both schizophrenia (usually psychosis) and a mood disorder—either bipolar disorder or depression.

I suffered depression and mania every year until I got on the medication I need.

Sierra do you grow or consume cannabis?

I have abnormal tought process and abnorm
I have the same..
Mines called schizophrenia/ bipolar disorder..
How s that?
I'm surprised at how many people have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, which I have too.

What meds are they treating you all with? My big two are antipsychotics, Seraquil and Halo Paradol.

I m sorry

Hi Sierra

I'm diagnosed and successfully treated for Schizoaffective disorder - basically: Schizoaffective disorder is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal thought processes and an unstable mood.] The diagnosis is made when the person has symptoms of both schizophrenia (usually psychosis) and a mood disorder—either bipolar disorder or depression.

I suffered depression and mania every year until I got on the medication I need.

Sierra do you grow or consume cannabis?

How s that man? I m really sorry. Please keep going man!Can u become aware of ur abnormal tought processes or is like something is taking control over u and u can do nothing?Hope u can live well and have a pleasant life experience!!! Wish u well and a great life! Much love!
I'm not, but I have a close relative in a mental institution who we can't see/visit since March of 2020 because coronavirus (we saw her 5 or 6 times trough video-call when workers in there was kind enough) she already has coronavirus and survive but it made her illness even worst (now she can't talk), and I'm very ansious and terrified because maybe I can't hug her nevermore, is almost 2 years and I feel like she is gone already

I'm not, but I have a close relative in a mental institution who we can't see/visit since March of 2020 because coronavirus (we saw her 5 or 6 times trough video-call when workers in there was kind enough) she already has coronavirus and survive but it made her illness even worst (now she can't talk), and I'm very ansious and terrified because maybe I can't hug her nevermore, is almost 2 years and I feel like she is gone already


So much pain flying around this sorry. I think things will lighten up . I think you will be seeing her sooner than you think. Until then perhaps you can help her in other ways. I've always felt that if you have your health , you've got it made.....without it , nothing. You gotta keep it together and crack on or you will be no help to her or anyone. I wish you the best !