Are you Left or Right Brain Dominated........Quiz

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i was pretty surprised at the results and i'm not sure i agree:

You responded as a right brained person to 0 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 18questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your leftbrain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive ProcessingBrief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
SequentialProcessing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

how is it that i'm just sooo left-brained but have always struggled with math and excelled at creative writing type crap?

i'm a disorganized slob who is detail-oriented in general life, and routine is my religion, and my friends complain about my hatred of spontaneity, so i guess that sort of fits, but really? zero right brain use? i don't know about that.

edit: in case anyone is wondering, i am right-handed, but due to practice during boredom, i actually have nicer handwriting with my left hand, though i write at the same speed with either hand.


Well-Known Member
100% Left brained :P I am left handed by the way...after reading there little analogy I might not be 100% pure lefty though...
You responded as a right brained person to 0 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 18questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive ProcessingBrief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
SequentialProcessing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Emmm the test is retarded, it asks questions that are not mutually exclusive and wants a single answer. I'm trying to answer it but i fell like i'm lieing because i know what each of the answers mean and agree that in many cases both are correct.

i mean really who doesn't have hunches?, or put anything away in a specific place?

NOTHING in my apartment has a "home". i organize by remembering where i put things by matching them to the scenario that was occurring when i placed the object. pretty silly system for a pothead but i actually missplace a lot fewer objects than my anal retentive tidy friends. if everything is in plain view it can't get lost. you see it all the time. you know where it is not because it has a home but because you pay attention to where it is.


Well-Known Member
You responded as a right brained person to 9 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 9questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most.

how do they figure that? shouldnt it be i use both equally? also, i disliked alot of the questions as my answer could vary depending on the specific situation they do not provide.


Well-Known Member
18 left 0 right but i hated the questions and dont feel like i answered them truthfully because they didnt make sense

the first one was like when you walk into a classroom do you sit on the left or right side of the room. i said left but in my head all im thinking is where is the seat that can view the whole room and the door with my back to the wall...
hmmmm, odd that I got even numbers for both sides of the brain, so how did it determine I'm a lefty? lol interesting tho.[h=1]Which Side Do You Use?[/h]You responded as a right brained person to 9 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 9questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive Processing
Brief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
Sequential Processing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations


Well-Known Member
You responded as a right brained person to 6 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 12questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive Processing
Brief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
Sequential Processing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations


Active Member
well i guess i use 50% of each half or suttin... cuase the right and left side of the brain description up top describes me


Well-Known Member
You responded as a right brained person to 12 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 6questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your right brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the right side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your right sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive Processing
Brief Description
HolisitcProcessing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details.
Random Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another.
ConcreteProcesses things that can be seen , or touched - real objects.
IntuitiveProcesses information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived.
NonverbalProcesses thought as illustrations.
Fantasy-OrientedProcesses information with creativity; less focus on rules and regulations


Well-Known Member
Which Side Do You Use?

You responded as a right brained person to 0 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 18questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive Processing

Brief Description

Linear - Processing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
Sequential - Processing information in order from first to last.
Symbolic - Processes symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
Logical - Processes information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
Verbal - Processes thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-Based - Processes information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

thought it was pretty cool.. :eyesmoke:

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
You responded as a right brained person to 0 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 18questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so.

Some of the traits associated with the left side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your left sides gets the most exercise.

Type of Cognitive Processing
Brief Description
LinearProcessing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression.
SequentialProcessing information in order from first to last.
SymbolicProcesses symbols an pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols.
LogicalProcesses information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem.
VerbalProcesses thoughts and ideas with words.
Reality-BasedProcesses information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

damn 18 of 18 left

meechz 024

Active Member
lol this isn't that serious you guys are acting like its an official test. It's just a general test for fun. Yes, there are some question you would choose both answers, you can't so pick the one you feel stronger about.
"Last edited by RyanTheRhino; 05-08-2012 at 11:11 AM."

The angels co-signed your post. This test must be pretty helpful to other people.

Now its edited at 11:12.....damn

You just ruined my stoned revelation moment. i really wanted it to be a higher calling.


Well-Known Member
"Last edited by RyanTheRhino; 05-08-2012 at 11:11 AM."

The angels co-signed your post. This test must be pretty helpful to other people.

Now its edited at 11:12.....damn

You just ruined my stoned revelation moment. i really wanted it to be a higher calling.

????? lol what

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
refuse to take the test because the first question leaves out the possibility of sitting in the direct middle of a class room, theater etc... which is what I prefer and if I can't do that then I tend to sit where ever I can find a spot that is not next to anyone, regardless of left or right...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Fuck it... took it anyway... chose left for the first question... It doesn't matter either way because my true answer to the question was unavailable...

[h=1]Which Side Do You Use?[/h]You responded as a right brained person to 10 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 8questions.


Well-Known Member
You guys are expecting too much. This test presents a false dichotomy, which is what you are all having problems with. Tests such as these simply take the info you give them and spit it back out in a different form. If the test said you are logical, it's because you told it you were logical, not because it took personality traits and analyzed you. IOW tests such as these can provide no outside knowledge.

Do you save money or spend it? If you answer save, a personality test will tell you "you are the type of person who saves money", although it will word it completely different to give the appearance of wisdom. "You are a frugal person who is careful about fiances". If I ask you 20 questions and at the end I spit each of them back at you in different wording, you end up with a paragraph that seems to describe you perfectly. This is especially easy when the questions are worded as false dichotomies.

Tests like these are fine for toke-n-talk or magazines, but if you value them for anything other than fun, if you assign any meaning to them at all, you are a fool.