are you growing with mars hydro ?


Well-Known Member
Recently want to collect you guys pretty grow photos under #marshydro led
#MarsHydro #MarsHydrots3000 #ledgrowlightforweed #ledgrowlights #ledgrowlightfullspectrum #basementgrower #growthmindset #growth #growyourown #growroom #growhouse #happygrower #growerschoice #growerslove #growlife #420
...actualmente no cultivo... pero me da que terminare usando vuestros productos mars hydro... me gusten o no...

Mars Hydro
vendeis partes sueltas de las lamparas?... sell separated parts of your lamps?...pcb... ...heatsinks...drivers... or other minor parts?...
vendeis solo las pcb con leds?...sell pcb with leds?... maybe a bit customized pcb with other leds or pcb connectors?...
...maybe a bar pcb with 4 different channels for light? ...
vendeis en Tenerife?... sell on Tenerife - Canary Island=???? creo que nos entiendan o contesten Wilson...asi que tira para casa que toca remar....


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