LOL hahahah what?! you crazySunni ,I'm drinking right now, not smoking, but your avatar and the song "forever young - jay z" with your pic is blowing my mind.
a retard for joining the army or a retard for failing the test? lol j/k no you didnt piss your future away. i know several people that have failed a piss test and got dishonorably discharged however they are all doing really good except 1 person but drugs or not he was bound to be a fuck up.No, I am not afraid of getting caught. Infact, being that I am a very blunt person I am not afraid to say that I found out I failed an Army piss test yesterday. Yes people I am in the Army. Go ahead and say that i am a fucking retard and "PISSED" my future away. News flash .. I DIDN'T.
Just curious OP, how much ism did you have to land you in jail?
Oh, and the HASHISH in Asscrackistan is the BOMB DIZZLE
[h=1]Seattle police return weed confiscated from suspected street dealers[/h]
Now why would the cops or anyone for that matter suspect a grannywe all have that in the back of our minds, every second, every day. is it worth what you love vs the consequences? even jail time? me, having spent time in prison for weed, and getting out now, i say it's time, i will grow again. soon, very soon. like I'm ordering seeds
not intentionally.. but it was a fun party..I suspect most of you have never had your residence entered military style and been flashbanged in your underwear.