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I confess, I am very much "psychologically" addicted.Yes I'm addicted to marijuana, why else would I be on this site

I confess, I am very much "psychologically" addicted.Yes I'm addicted to marijuana, why else would I be on this site
Right on! I totally agree. I think there's a difference between physical addiction and habituating behaviour, i.e. missing a really really awesome experience that feels right.My entire point was it's ALL in the psyche. By medicinal terms "needs".....I am a prime candidate for its use.
I've always loved MJ....just never to the point where it controlled my life.
I now have choices between "it" and man-made pharmaceuticals that REALLY WOULD put me on my ass. It's not rocket science why I would opt for something natural.....minus the hideous side-effects.
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Would you be able to stop smoking weed if you tried?[/FONT]
a good read , i to show all those symptoms when i stop for a while , thing is if you dont, you build an immune system up to it and it affects you less , i can smoke 5-6 jays a night , but after a lay off period 2 cuts it - i will say tho my partner hates me when i stop bless her , & i quote "you act like an arrogant fukkhead!!" lol - can a girl be wrong ??? dont tell her i said so - peace good stuff -[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities.
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.
Would you be able to stop smoking weed if you tried?
well first off marijuana in no way is physically addictive...not even others have said it is physiologically how ever.. u WANT to be stoned but u don't have to be...unlike cigarettes.. it just depends on the person... how "addictive" is it really? everyones different[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities.
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.
Would you be able to stop smoking weed if you tried?
man, those are my withdrawal symptons down to a tee, i'm so hyper the first few days and can't sleep for shit. i went through a stage of waking up in the middle of the night, smoke a few cones and going back to sleep(waste of weed i know) i lost my job abruptly therefore no more ganj, so i'd wake up in the middle of the night without any weed and just lay there till sun up for about a week but after that it was a walk in the park hahalook buddy just because you don't get withdrawal symtoms, and the majority of people don't get withdrawal symtoms, doesn't mean they don't EXIST.
I get withdrawal symtoms, nothing that could actually stop me from quitting if I didn't have a constant supply, but enough to stop me from quitting when I have a decent supply.
the withdrawals are very real, nothing major they can range from slight twitchiness/hyperactivity, slight lack of apetite, and this general feeling kind of like a coffee buzz but you're uncomfortable.
I don't know if you've had access to enough weed to reach the point of withdrawal symtoms as I have, but they do happen with certain types of people, and I'm not going to let you just say they don't ever happen because they DO.
Glad to see i am not alone in these symptoms. I also have an addictive personality.. I stopped completely yesterday because i ran out of good bud..knew i was going to but i wasnt quite prepared apparently. Reason for quitting is i'm considering joining either the air force or the navy(seals), more reasons behind that; getting out my current location because it's so mundane and boring not to mention i can't stand the type of people here. I also detest the fact that even if i went to college for another 2 or 3 yrs for a bachelors in computer science, i'd be stuck behind a fucking desk in a cubicle. I wasn't made to sit around, i feel like i have to be active constantly. Deciphering code is not something i want to do for 30 years before retirement. Bear Grylls has my dream job basically, except i wouldn't have a t.v. show and all that. Anyways, back to withdrawal symptoms.. i can't sleep right now. 3:30am.. how does one induce sleep when you feel so restless? besides popping a pill or smoking herb. DAMNIT I MISS THE HERB and its only been a little more than a day. To add on to the symptoms there is agitation for me, roadrage like a mofo too..people can't drive for shit in the south. the small things in life will be pissing me off for the next week most likelyOriginally Posted by poplars![]()
look buddy just because you don't get withdrawal symtoms, and the majority of people don't get withdrawal symtoms, doesn't mean they don't EXIST.
I get withdrawal symtoms, nothing that could actually stop me from quitting if I didn't have a constant supply, but enough to stop me from quitting when I have a decent supply.
the withdrawals are very real, nothing major they can range from slight twitchiness/hyperactivity, slight lack of apetite, and this general feeling kind of like a coffee buzz but you're uncomfortable.
I don't know if you've had access to enough weed to reach the point of withdrawal symtoms as I have, but they do happen with certain types of people, and I'm not going to let you just say they don't ever happen because they DO.
man, those are my withdrawal symptons down to a tee, i'm so hyper the first few days and can't sleep for shit. i went through a stage of waking up in the middle of the night, smoke a few cones and going back to sleep(waste of weed i know) i lost my job abruptly therefore no more ganj, so i'd wake up in the middle of the night without any weed and just lay there till sun up for about a week but after that it was a walk in the park haha
it causes a physiological change . . . therefore in SOME way if it causes a physiological change in a positive way, it will become an addictive action.i dont think i can honestly [its not addicting the psychical sense but it is in the mental senseeee you know]
You (and many other people that have posted) have no idea what addiction is. You are not addicted if you have trouble sleeping or are irritable after cessation of cannabis consumption. Addiction has to do with continued use despite negative / detrimental causes a physiological change . . . therefore in SOME way if it causes a physiological change in a positive way, it will become an addictive action.
and the dependence syndrome is basically what's happening here.
cannabis produces a certain reaciton through the cannabinoid receptors, you do this for so long that your body becomes used to such a reaction.
which is why there's coldsweats without cannabis, because cannabis usually heats up your body temperature slightly.
and that's why you're more hyperactive without it, your state of mind is toned down to a more relaxed state on cannabis (unless you're smoking heavy sativa.)
so it's essentially your body becoming so used to cannabis it wants it all the time.
hah mental issues?You (and many other people that have posted) have no idea what addiction is. You are not addicted if you have trouble sleeping or are irritable after cessation of cannabis consumption. Addiction has to do with continued use despite negative / detrimental consequences.
Just because you have withdrawal symptoms does not make you addicted to something.
You should see a Dr. about your mental issues if you had not done so already. I have a dear friend who self medicated his depression with cannabis without telling his Dr. for years. Only after he went full manic then a immediate shift to deep depression was he finally accurately diagnosed as being bi-polar.