are u ment to dry and cure in th dark?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Low humidity but not too low (less than 50% but more than 30%) you want to dry it kinda slow, and let the water escape rather than for moulds.
No Drafts you dont want unfiltered air with mould spores or floating bugs coming in on the breeze
in the dark light destroys trichomes
in cool temperatures heat also destroys trichomes

a simple cardboard box in a cool dark closet with a hole in one side covered with pantyhose (filter) and a computer fan blowing OUT through a hole on the other side of the box. run some string across the box inside, hang your buds on the string, let it sit in the dark for a week or so, and you will be ready to cure it.

put it in airtight non-pourous containers (tupperware or the ever popular mason jars), load it in like you were loading in doritos. pack em loose, dont cram them, and dont crumble them up. keep the filled containers in a cool dark place (not the fridge) and pop the top once a day or so. if you see water fogging up inside the jar, you gotta dry them outside the jar some more. after a couple weeks your nuggs will be evenly dried, but still just slightly moist. sample a nugg or two every week or so till you hit that sweet spot. somewhere between cigarette tobacco and good pipe tobacco is how i like em. not dessicated, but not damp

hope this helps

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea once its cut down sunlight slowly begins to break down the thc, so dont hang it out on the clothes line to dry.