Are too many RED HAIRS a bad thing?

Surprised that no one has mentioned bud maturity..One time, One of my beginner grows, I pulled my Purple Widow too early.. Longer the buds are left to ripen,..then less hairs (not always, but most of the time)..Purple (indoor 400 hps), got pulled 2 weeks to early..Pistils had not receded back into the bud yet,..once dried, and cured,..Looked like it was covered in "pewbs aka pubes"..Was cool at first, purple bud, green sugar leaves, and red hairs..Didn't take long to start becoming a nuisance . or maybe just the thought of it.. The last week/week and a half, etc.. is the most critical.. Your bud pics looked like mine, with the most red hairs bud being a certain maturity, and the less hairy bud being harvested about a week or 2 later than the hairy one..So in a sense less hairs "could" hypothetically mean better pot with higher THC. Just one of many possible scenarios.. Just my 2 cents..

Hum, interesting scenario. The trichs are mature under the scope, and I went 8 weeks and about 3 days. But you bring up an interesting point to consider I will try that with one next time vs. the rest of the batch and see how that compares.
I have had someone recently telling me that too many red hairs are bad, and a sign of too hot a grow. Also, that phosphoload will induce too many red hairs. Anyone have any clue on this? Is there some kind of desired ratio to red hairs to bud that are preferred? Obviously some strains will have more hairs than others, but mine tend to have more, and I always thought red was good.

tell your friend he's absolutely right - that shit causes aids and you threw it out - maybe you'll get it right and have some to share next time around
Hum, interesting scenario. The trichs are mature under the scope, and I went 8 weeks and about 3 days. But you bring up an interesting point to consider I will try that with one next time vs. the rest of the batch and see how that compares.

Yeah, only 10% factual truth out there, 90% what people read and pass along, like old myths and whatnot. I only learned this by mistake..Trial and error . Different strains seem that they "should" mature longer than others.. Like Mj strains native to the rugged Afghans, or strains from South America,. Even up to Canada. My Purple Widow, was an outdoor strain, Eastern Asia I believe.. Maybe from me growing it indoors messed with the genetic grow cycle<---( if that even makes sense)...I guess only way to find out is to grow 2 gurls, side by side, same strain, food, soil, same EVERYthing., Maybe even a matched pheno..(<---difficult, but hardly impossible).. Harvest one normally, and the other a week later or so..Trichs should be a little more amber on the latter one, But not like a night and day difference..Then again,..depends on strain, etc.. It's all science man! technology has given growers so much more, just in the last 15 years or so.. So much experimenting, and testing, that we can do now..and new ideas..Sure makes it a wonderful hobby. Since we can gain so much knowledge, via these forums, and just the internet period.. I bet the growing aspect of it now, is more addictive then it was 30 years ago..Sorry man..just
Hum, interesting scenario. The trichs are mature under the scope, and I went 8 weeks and about 3 days. But you bring up an interesting point to consider I will try that with one next time vs. the rest of the batch and see how that compares.

Hey Finster, also the longer the maturity, the more of a stoned instead of "high" effect..everyone seems to agree on that..but with a sativa dominant plant, seems the trichs could go a little longer with less stoned effect, as versus an Indica dominant strain..
(Indica<--Short, bushy, more of a body stone)..Get stoned, wanna go eat and crash...
(Sativa<--Tall, leggy, more of the "uplifting high")..Get high, and immediately be looking for something to do..
Just my own observations
Looks like it would smoke just fine to me.... I hope my shit looks half that good when it gets done.. lol.. First time grower here though.. I dont have all the shit totally down yet but maybe I will luck out this time around... But yeah man.. I would definately stoke that in my pipe.
"If I had the same bud I have now, all the same crystals, trichs, smell, feel...if everything were the same, but there were less red hairs, it would be better bud than it is currently."

That almost made me change my sig LMAO...:joint:

I want to see pics of this hairy bud!!!
"If I had the same bud I have now, all the same crystals, trichs, smell, feel...if everything were the same, but there were less red hairs, it would be better bud than it is currently."

That almost made me change my sig LMAO...:joint:

I want to see pics of this hairy bud!!!

Check out on page 2 of this thread. The pics are there.
DVX i was just about to post something about bud matureaty when i looked at the compareson pics but i guess you beat me to the draw....that is about the only reason why i could see someone saying to many red hairs.
It "could" be a maturity issue, but I highly doubt it. Your strain just has more hairs than your friends. If it were a maturity issue, the hairs would recede a little more, but there would be just as many of them.

You area almost comparing Apples and Oranges.

If you really want to prove this point, get some of your buddies strain, and grow it just like you did this one. If there are more hairs on yours than his, then it is something that you are doing while the plant is growing. If it has the same amount of hair as his, that is proof that it is in the genetics.

Genetics control life.
Hey, thanks a lot for the ideas guys. Yeah, it is an interesting situation. I think it looks great. Consenting opinion is that the hairs came from (1) phosphoload, which I used very very little fact, more than I've used previously, and (2) heat issues in the room. I run around 78 from the temp prob that suspends from the ceiling and into the canopy. I know its preferred to be closer to 75, but mine is usually 78.

My friend says that the too many red hairs will make all buds look the same (if side by side to someone else's bud who also has lots of red hairs) and doesn't show a buds character. I am pretty confused by all this, as I have never heard of a thing like this being either bad or undesirable, or making the monetary return on the bud be less, ie getting less $ for your bud if it looks like my pics on pg 2.

They say that the comparison pic is of the same strain (which I wasn't aware of initially). Aside from the red hairs, looking at the detail of the green and bud growth, it doesn't look the same to me. If it is, then it grew totally different due to environmental and/or nutrient factors. Apparently, another 3rd party saw some of mine and immediately said "Oh, bad bud. Heat issues and they used phosphoload."

Anyone have any thoughts on the entirety of this issue?
I've heard that the more you let the white hairs turn red before harvesting, there's more of a "stoned" result. Harvest when the hairs are about 50/50 (red/white) then it's more "euphoric". Don't know how much truth it is in that but I've heard it from more than one source. Maybe that's what your friend is referring to.
That is an interesting thought. Never heard that one. Will check into it. I usually wait until the Trichs get a nice amber semi-amber tone to ensure maturity. But I am going to look into that theory and if there is anything behind that. Could be a fun experiment to try with one or two.
As the bud matures, seems as the air movement from the fans will remove a lot of the red hairs, if you place a bud between your hands when still on the branches, and rub it you will see just how easy the red hairs are removed...... I think your friend is right about the caricature of the bud appearance, Might sound silly, but when I have to much reds I just hit the plant with compressed air and watch it fly.. :)
Makes for better looking bud! as everyone has said, go by the tricolors. clear,milky,amber.......
We are in the same boat. I'm currently on my third grow and all my plants bud the same with tons of red hairs no matter what strain. Let me know if u figure this out cause dude we are having the exact same problem. U should see my buds they look exactly like yours. It just confuses me cause it doesn't look like anything I've bought before
the more white hairs the more trippy head high it will be n the more red hairs the more narcotic body high it will be
From my experience all buds i have smoked that have ALOT of very red hairs have a bad taste, but still get you baked. just my 2 cents
With that being said alot of buds i have seen with lots of red hairs aren't as crystally as yours, it looks like nice stuff!

Also above post i cannot agree with that, it sounds like youre describing the differences between sativa and indica, but both strains can have ALOT of red hairs. so say you had a sativa with lots of red hairs it would still be a "trippy head high" but then again not alot of plants are 100% sativa or indica now days.

It's genetics dude. There are no extreme or specific grow conditions that cause massive red hairs. I grew some liberty haze plants and 2 of the 6 had much heavier red hairs even though they all had the exact conditions and nutes. So by genetics I do mean the strain but also each individual seed. It's a genetic trait, nothing more. Id grab that red haired bud over the other any day of the week. The difference in potency has to do with the resin glands, not the pistils. There are crystals under those red hairs son.