• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are they really terrorists or are they just plain mercenaries


Well-Known Member
wow....thechoroid...do you really feel that way? I would say that one of us "infidels" raping and/or beheading women is a rarity, and exception, not the rule. I am not one to advocate aggression unless it is absolutely necessary. However, many "terrorists" do hide in amongst innocent people. SO, innocent people get killed. There is a big damn difference between a man killing another man in revenge and flying planes into buildings and killing thousands...dont you think?
You mention that aggression is NOT taught in the muslim religion, yet you say jihad is a RIGHT for all muslims.. Which is it?


Active Member
wow....thechoroid...do you really feel that way? I would say that one of us "infidels" raping and/or beheading women is a rarity, and exception, not the rule. I am not one to advocate aggression unless it is absolutely necessary. However, many "terrorists" do hide in amongst innocent people. SO, innocent people get killed. There is a big damn difference between a man killing another man in revenge and flying planes into buildings and killing thousands...dont you think?
You mention that aggression is NOT taught in the muslim religion, yet you say jihad is a RIGHT for all muslims.. Which is it?
I cannot answer for all but sure as heck can answer for myself. Not all Arabs or muslims are terrorists. As any nation on this face of the earth, it has its good and dark sides and I totally agree that aggression is the last resort for the resolution of any problem.
I'm sure that amongst you prawl some calm sick wackos also but that's not the thing. I was just commenting on JEFF F's exclamations and words(read from the beginning).
Dude! I have read the torat, the bible and the koran and only then was I capable of accepting any belief because it was LOGICAL. how can aggression be logical? I reccomend you at least start by reading the bible, if you're interested that is and do not base your knowledge about religions just like that, you can find out alot of things you never even knew.
Jihad = to strive. It does not necessarily mean what you think it does amongst many other words you know nothing of because you don't belong to that nation or know the language. And yes, it says in the koran - a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye but it also says react with agression only if you are being agressed.
I could go on endlessly but I have much more interesting things to do, like get stoned:) or watch house md. So I bid you well and wish you hapiness in life:weed:

jeff f

New Member
yes, it says in the koran - a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye but it also says react with agression only if you are being agressed.
i wonder if daniel pearl or nick berg felt agressed when their heads were being sawed off with that rusty sword.....
yes, the muslum religion is great!! i especially love the way they treat their women. i think american women should be MADE to wear garb down to the ground and cover their faces. yep, i think we should do that here. or better yet, how about we start a chop chop square here in america? and if you truly are muslim i dont have to explain that to you but for the "infidels" its a public square in the middle of town in many mideast countries, where they chop people hands, heads, penis' off for being accused of a crime. and they draw quite a crowd when its time for choppin'. yes, for sure, muslim is awesome. and so non aggressive. like the way they beat down students for simply protesting. or the way they gas their own people because they arent from the right "sect" . or the way that it is common practice for elder men to rape the teenage boys. yep, you guys are great.....for seventh century barbarians. the sick part is, you keep defending them (the terrorists) instead of condeming them. and you wonder if i can read?


Active Member
i wonder if daniel pearl or nick berg felt agressed when their heads were being sawed off with that rusty sword.....
yes, the muslum religion is great!! i especially love the way they treat their women. i think american women should be MADE to wear garb down to the ground and cover their faces. yep, i think we should do that here. or better yet, how about we start a chop chop square here in america? and if you truly are muslim i dont have to explain that to you but for the "infidels" its a public square in the middle of town in many mideast countries, where they chop people hands, heads, penis' off for being accused of a crime. and they draw quite a crowd when its time for choppin'. yes, for sure, muslim is awesome. and so non aggressive. like the way they beat down students for simply protesting. or the way they gas their own people because they arent from the right "sect" . or the way that it is common practice for elder men to rape the teenage boys. yep, you guys are great.....for seventh century barbarians. the sick part is, you keep defending them (the terrorists) instead of condeming them. and you wonder if i can read?
I still do wonder if you can read my friend. You still base your deductions on what the media shows you and not on your own point of view which should be based on what YOU yourself saw and felt. First of all, the idea of wearing what you call the garb(which still exists in strict muslim nations) is to refrain from attracting other men's lust(and yes, the men there are very horny) and to keep her beauty to the only man she married. What would you prefer, for your wife to wear a mini bikini and go strolling around, and if she has a hot body, you're sure to know that lots of guys will be wacking their dicks to her in the evening, or you would appreciate it if she kept what is yours to have (till death do you part) to you and only YOU? I do require that JESUS himself was a son of israel, where crimes were met with even fiercer punishments(stoning till death, whipped to death and etc.) Furthermore, if a criminal robbed you dry, molested your wife and daughter and then killed them, are you going to take it like a cool guy and believe in the justice of your system, or you would really consider killing the bastard? Chop chop yards sounds kinda cool, never saw it:( but i'm sure it must have been as fun as the chopping europeans used to do to witches, slaves and etc. or as fun as the massacres that take place in the states by some fucked up wackos that get drunk or are on drugs. As for elderlies raping young boys, believe me I'll be the first one to chop off their dicks if i was to catch such sons of bitches. But come on, you wanna tell me that the rate of child molestations in the so called non barbaric nations, aka USA and Europe, is less?do some reading son!
Last but not least, in islamic countries, you continuosly see advertisments against terrorism and that they have nothing to do with Islam. Too bad you only know one language, not like us barbarians that know at least 3. Peace bro! Relax! love life and wish for the best. Not all your fingers are alike, so how can people be similar to each other.


Active Member
To terrorize - to bring terror into one's heart
but don't do infected rats do the same, the police when you have something growing in a country where you're not supposed to, IRS, junkies, thugs??????
of course a guy with a machine gun speaking a language you don't understand because you're in his country and you're there because your government told you that he's not living your way of life, therefore he's a bad guy, might terrorize you more. Heck, had you asked him for some weed instead you would have gotten the best haze:weed:
I mean come on, you all understand that they are a group of mercenaries payed by some government to create chaos in order to achieve needed impact on its citizens and make them vote for armed intrusion into some poor country that has some resources that will come in handy in restoring the economy of that government. I mean how do you explain to your citizens how you invested shit load of their tax money in arms instead of healthcare. go figure!
what do you guys think?
wow, I used to think this whole heartedly(and still do) and then my sister got mad at me for thinking that way and all of a sudden she was right. ( I REALLY looked up to her)
but yeah, I don't believe in right or wrong, thankyou for comming out with that.:clap:

i think you need pschological help. they really flew planes into buildings and killed 3000 people just trying to provide for themselves and their families. they really blew up shopping malls, they really threw a cripple guy off a ship because he was jewish. they really killed 270 some people when they blew that plane over scotland up. they really do rape children to death while the parents watch. they really do kill their own baby girls and wives when they "defile" the family. thye really do saw the heads off of innocent people and then laugh and scream ALLAH ACBAR. yep, thats really what they do. if you want to break bread and smoke a joint with them, go ahead. i would prefer we send in a missile from a thousand miles away and blow them to hell. hopefully you guys will be done smokin when the missile detinates.
look dude- this is the human way. hell we used to make human sacrifices, but that wasn't bad because it was all for the greater good supposedly. but hey that's why I don't belong to that religion, because I don't believe killing people is for a greater good. truely- to each their own...


Active Member
look dude- this is the human way. hell we used to make human sacrifices, but that wasn't bad because it was all for the greater good supposedly. but hey that's why I don't belong to that religion, because I don't believe killing people is for a greater good. truely- to each their own...[/QUOTE]

jeff f

New Member
First of all, the idea of wearing what you call the garb(which still exists in strict muslim nations) is to refrain from attracting other men's lust(and yes, the men there are very horny) and to keep her beauty to the only man she married. What would you prefer, for your wife to wear a mini bikini and go strolling around, and if she has a hot body,
no dude, i think my wife or girlfriend should have the freedom (oops, i said it) to wear whatever the fuck she wants to wear. and if you think making women wear outfits that make fred flintstone look like the jetsons, then thats your gig, not mine. i dont judge and persecute women because some guy is "whacking his dick" about what they are wearing, thats called oppression. look it up.

and i love how you guys keep going back to ANCIENT times to say, "hey, what we do now in 2009 is just like what jesus did in".....in the fucking stone age dude...the fucking stone age. hey guess what, i dont give a fuck what jesus, muhamed, ahmed, or sanchez did 500 years ago, i am talking about today. but hey, if you think all those things are cool, and you want to keep on defending them then....whatever. i think i will just wit back and listen because you are spouting the only proof i need that the philosophy is poisen.

jeff f

New Member
hey, here is a good video to prove your point about how the media twists everythiing. listen to how they treat your women, american women. this is how it is in 2009, not back when muhammed was whacking his winky cuz some chic had a low cut top on. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/29ZsF6RaYHY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/29ZsF6RaYHY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

thats really great huh? that would go over big here huh? how about denouncing this treatment of human beings. can you denounce it and call the assholes treating women like that a bunch of barbaric assholes? can you say that? i can! thats fucked up. and if i saw my neighbor treating his wife like that i would tell him off ,beat his ass, and report him. cuz this is america and we dont treat people, our people, like this. this is seventh century barbarism. and did you hear about the chop chop squtie cuoric making it up? am i being bAMBOOSELD. by the crooked media? and dont pound your condescending shit down my throat. i spent 20 years defending this country so that ignorant backwoods fucks like your people, dont hurt any more of my people--americans. thats what i am talking about you ignorrant bastard!


Well-Known Member
hey, here is a good video to prove your point about how the media twists everythiing. listen to how they treat your women, american women. this is how it is in 2009, not back when muhammed was whacking his winky cuz some chic had a low cut top on. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/29ZsF6RaYHY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/29ZsF6RaYHY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

thats really great huh? that would go over big here huh? how about denouncing this treatment of human beings. can you denounce it and call the assholes treating women like that a bunch of barbaric assholes? can you say that? i can! thats fucked up. and if i saw my neighbor treating his wife like that i would tell him off ,beat his ass, and report him. cuz this is america and we dont treat people, our people, like this. this is seventh century barbarism. and did you hear about the chop chop squtie cuoric making it up? am i being bAMBOOSELD. by the crooked media? and dont pound your condescending shit down my throat. i spent 20 years defending this country so that ignorant backwoods fucks like your people, dont hurt any more of my people--americans. thats what i am talking about you ignorrant bastard!

You lump all muslims together like this guy is somehow responsple for whatever happen in Saudia Arabias, Are you responsble for what some some Christian in Albania does? How about the catholic preists raping lil boys?. There are a billion muslims!!
Look at all the rape murders in this country all kinds of sick shit cuting people up putting them suitcases all kinds of sadistic shit AMERICANS do every day. there was a guy a couple months beheaded some other guy on bus for no reason in front of everybody


Well-Known Member
While I will not ever stand up for people that attack America, I have to say that we did put ourselves out there to be attacked. We are constantly in others business and kill hundreds of thousands over there, and we lose thousands. It is not right.

And with religion, you have to look no further than our own president (former) saying that god spoke to him to go to war against evil.

Now for the full garb, people should have the choice to wear it or not. It should be up to them, and what ever we feel that they should or shouldnt do is not up to us to judge. I disagree with americans berrating people that wear it, and I disagree with the people that are forced to wear it on the other side.

We are both on the wrong side.

I would seek revenge if my family and friends were killed too.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i think you need pschological help. they really flew planes into buildings and killed 3000 people just trying to provide for themselves and their families. they really blew up shopping malls, they really threw a cripple guy off a ship because he was jewish. they really killed 270 some people when they blew that plane over scotland up. they really do rape children to death while the parents watch. they really do kill their own baby girls and wives when they "defile" the family. thye really do saw the heads off of innocent people and then laugh and scream ALLAH ACBAR. yep, thats really what they do. if you want to break bread and smoke a joint with them, go ahead. i would prefer we send in a missile from a thousand miles away and blow them to hell. hopefully you guys will be done smokin when the missile detinates.
The problem with sending in a missile in a "bomb them all" move is missiles don't know the difference between the bad guys and the poor guy just trying to survive like anybody else. There are good people throughout the world even in countries we bomb.


Well-Known Member
While I will not ever stand up for people that attack America, I have to say that we did put ourselves out there to be attacked. We are constantly in others business and kill hundreds of thousands over there, and we lose thousands. It is not right.

And with religion, you have to look no further than our own president (former) saying that god spoke to him to go to war against evil.

Now for the full garb, people should have the choice to wear it or not. It should be up to them, and what ever we feel that they should or shouldnt do is not up to us to judge. I disagree with americans berrating people that wear it, and I disagree with the people that are forced to wear it on the other side.

We are both on the wrong side.

I would seek revenge if my family and friends were killed too.
I posted a link both to that video and the article a while ago. That's easily what most scared me about Bush. He took orders directly from God :roll:.

It begs the question - who did the interpreting?


Active Member
This war would have ended long ago if we were ACTUALLY able to fight. I did my 4 years in the Marine Corps and can tell you we are not fighting. We are sitting ducks. I know many warriors who lost their lifes for stupid reasons. They attach bombs to children and send them right to us. We're not going to shoot the kid, so we pretty much commit suicide. And there is a huge difference between muslims and radical islamists. Most the people over there praise us and know we are helping, and then there are those who would like nothing better than to blow our heads off. Do you guys remember Saddam Huessain? That bastard was killing hundreds of people a day, and we took him out, OORAH. It's a scary place over there, but what we are doing is helping. The 3 day sweep on Fellujah is what should happen to that whole region. We gave them 3 days to get the hell out, and anyone left after that time would be destroyed. This was probably one of the most productive operations of the whole war. Those people would love to be free, but are constantly terrorized by these terrorists. I don't understand how they know we are helping, yet the libs in this country are so against it. I guess we should have just let hitler do what he wanted, right?

jeff f

New Member
You lump all muslims together like this guy is somehow responsple for whatever happen in Saudia Arabias, Are you responsble for what some some Christian in Albania does? How about the catholic preists raping lil boys?. There are a billion muslims!!
Look at all the rape murders in this country all kinds of sick shit cuting people up putting them suitcases all kinds of sadistic shit AMERICANS do every day. there was a guy a couple months beheaded some other guy on bus for no reason in front of everybody
you obviously didnt wtch the video. watch the video with katie courec, not martha washington, and defend that. its not one or two people, its an entire culture, all over the world. i am not pointing to some guy going nuts and killing his family. this is an entire group of nations that treat people this way. not isolated. and beheadings are not isolated. wathc the video

jeff f

New Member
SD, the truth is the truth brother. you seen it with your own eyes. dont let some idiot sitting in front of his computer tell ya different. you seen it. god bless you sir and keep up the good fight.

Most the people over there praise us and know we are helping, and then there are those who would like nothing better than to blow our heads off.
so when you hear arguments about what brutal thugs the american forces are, remember, they are the ones that would rather blow your head off....that or they are excrutiatingly ignorant. either way, they are dangerous.


what... huh?

Active Member
To use violence, or the threat of violence against a people, for political or ideological gain.

Terrorism has a definition. Rabid rats do not fit it. Sweet people defending themselves do not fit it. Have innocent people died in Iraq and Afghanistan? Yes. are they targets? No. We don't spend billions of dollars every year developing smart weapons which seek out crippled children. We have spent more time, more care, more money, and more of OUR soldiers blood to reduce civilian casualty than any force in the history of man kind.

Their goal is to increase it.

Your entire argument is fucking gross.


Active Member
thats really great huh? that would go over big here huh? how about denouncing this treatment of human beings. can you denounce it and call the assholes treating women like that a bunch of barbaric assholes? can you say that? i can! thats fucked up. and if i saw my neighbor treating his wife like that i would tell him off ,beat his ass, and report him. cuz this is america and we dont treat people, our people, like this. this is seventh century barbarism. and did you hear about the chop chop squtie cuoric making it up? am i being bAMBOOSELD. by the crooked media? and dont pound your condescending shit down my throat. i spent 20 years defending this country so that ignorant backwoods fucks like your people, dont hurt any more of my people--americans. thats what i am talking about you ignorrant bastard![/QUOTE]
Again with the aggression. Now you listen to me you hill billy dumb fart, nobody asked you to go there or to even increase your measer IQ with information about other nations. I don't see you criticize far east countries whose laws are also anti american. I didn't know about these chop chop squares untill a buffoon like yourself mentioned them. There's a lot of negativities in this world in each and every nation including yours, and they exist because people like yourself exist. I can't believe you even toke dude, such a jerkoff shouldn't have the right to even come close to such a herb. i DON'T CARE to what nation or to what religion a person relates to as long as he's a good guy. I let my wife wear whatever she likes and don't even insist on her changing from christianity to islam because it's her right to be guided on her own. I sure as heck don't hate americans, except you that is, but if i was to see you hurt or in need of help, I would gladly help and not even ask for anything in return. You have no social life, you see psychiatrists because your're always depressed whereas our people are never afraid to talk to each other and always tend to lend a helping hand to whoever needs it.
To top it all off, ignorance is bliss but in your case it's a way of life so :finger:


Well-Known Member
Its propaganda on both sides - i say that as respectfully as i can for the soldiers over there n those who have died, but thats all it is. They are not mercenaries, they do not work for money - they r brainwashed in2 thinking one way and act upon it. Whilst this is not the case for all, it is for the extremists who have grown up with nothing but god, who they believe in absolutely. I think for some that its about time they realize that god has left n is not coming back to the middle east - if he was, dont u think u wud hav ur so called 'promise land' back by now?


Active Member
Its propaganda on both sides - i say that as respectfully as i can for the soldiers over there n those who have died, but thats all it is. They are not mercenaries, they do not work for money - they r brainwashed in2 thinking one way and act upon it. Whilst this is not the case for all, it is for the extremists who have grown up with nothing but god, who they believe in absolutely. I think for some that its about time they realize that god has left n is not coming back to the middle east - if he was, dont u think u wud hav ur so called 'promise land' back by now?
I was 100% behind you untill you said promised land, those were the jews,lol
They really are brainwashed and know nothing about religion except for what those that command them tell them. There are like 80% muslims that do not know what the koran teaches because they haven't read it and rely on what they hear from others. I too feel sorry for all the soldiers that are dying for a cause that they do not understand and are only following orders, especially the american soldiers.
The major purpose of this thread was to explain that these so called terrorists do not represent Islam but use it as a flag, thus shaming all muslims around the world.
I read somewhere that assasins derives from the word hashashin which in arabic means hash tokers. The elders used to get these guys high and convince them that by commiting these crimes they are doing good and will be rewarded for that. Go figure!:weed:
how can such a lovely peaceful:leaf: cause such aggression, but taking into consideration the existence of jeff there, I can believe it.