Are they ready yet?


Well-Known Member
Can you get any close shots?
Even from these pics I'm saying no.
To much hairs.

But still post close ups to get a better idea.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, need some detail shots.
I'm just amazed that you're having such great results.


Well-Known Member
Resin glands
You want to look at them under a scope or take some macro shots.
Looking for the color of the ball on the end.
You want most of them to be milky white.
Some will be clear some will be amber

Again you want the bulk of them to be milky.

You should probably go read up on
Harvesting when trichomes are ready.

Plenty of images and info exists.

Nice job on the plants


Well-Known Member
The other thing I would while you have a few days is go to the dry and cure section and really read.
It is super important and you have done a nice job.
Be a shame to blow it


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? Hell no their not ready those are some popcorn lookin buds, no colas at all. whats your veg/ flower days?