Are they ready yet??? Please any suggestions


Here are three shots main cola and some side ones. I see some leaves with some definite amber trichomes, but buds still have white trichomes. Only 50% of the hairs have turned orange though. Should I wait till almost all the hairs are orange than cut, or wait till I see some amber trichomes on the actual bud, or just cut now cause I see some amber trichomes on the bigger leaves surrounding the buds??



Well-Known Member
no way bro.. you got a green tomato on your hands; a green banana.
give it two more weeks.
exercise self control.. you will end up with FROSTIER nugs.. Your has just started to get close...
Each white pistil turns red and shrivels up.. You've seen the red part, not the shrivel part... When it shrivels, the seed bract it is attached to grows fat.. More and more trichomes appear all over the buds.. Yours are nice, but not as nice as they will be in a week or two.. just watch and see as they get frostier and frostier...
do you have a magnifier that you are using to look at trichs?

This is where newbs fuck up.. Keep feeding.. Keep flowering and let them ripen.... is my advice...


Well-Known Member
no way bro.. you got a green tomato on your hands; a green banana.
give it two more weeks.
exercise self control.. you will end up with FROSTIER nugs.. Your has just started to get close...
Each white pistil turns red and shrivels up.. You've seen the red part, not the shrivel part... When it shrivels, the seed bract it is attached to grows fat.. More and more trichomes appear all over the buds.. Yours are not close..

This is where newbs fuck up.. Keep feeding.. Keep flowering and let them ripen.... is my advice...

What Tommyo3000 said. + Rep


Well-Known Member
OK, here is a nugget I just trimmed off the branch after drying. It is white widow and will peel your face off. Look at the multitudinous trichomes fighting for real estate on every bit of green plant material that they can - including the stems.

Until the amount of trichomes on your nug looks unreal and until the buds are rock solid and until they smell like heaven, they are not ready.

I just felt compelled to share my finest widow to date..:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: hydroponic this time.

photo (7).jpg


I do have a magnifier, 30x loop. I figured that the trichs on the leaves were amber due to the fact they are older. I will take your advice and hold off another week or two until the shriveled up red hairs are prominent.


Im in the same situation and it sucks!!!! because I can't wait to chop it due to many reasons, yet I must wait at least 2 more weeks and im not a noob I just run out of stash and im relying on my new crop...


Active Member
Im in the same situation and it sucks!!!! because I can't wait to chop it due to many reasons, yet I must wait at least 2 more weeks and im not a noob I just run out of stash and im relying on my new crop...
Clip a couple buds and smoke'er up.....just leave the rest to finnish up....that's what I'm doing for the next couple a weeks anyways. Same boat as you.....


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a digital blue QX5 microscope that takes digital pics to avoid guessing when its ready. only 60 bucks 10 shipping. not a bad investment to save a crop from early or late harvesting.


Well-Known Member
Good job, Canadaboy. as the other guy mentioned, you can clip some buds off and get high while the rest of the plant gets super dankalicious.
I've never purchased over ripe weed, but cannot count the times I got underripe weed.. dig?

this patience in letting your plants get really awesome and ripe is a great skill to develop.. I don't think a lot of dudes use their senses.. I think people watch the calendar too much.

On the microscope subject, Intel has a kids microscope that is cheap on eBay frequently.

good job! hang in there and you will impress yourself and your friends.


Well-Known Member
It looks so tasty even in the first few weeks i cant wait till its harvest time. I feel like a farmer, who needs farmville. I was only looking at the qx5 because it takes digital pics and put them on the computer so it will make posting the images here easier to see when its ready s i am a noooooob.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the trichomes is helpful. I think first, though, you need to look at some EXAMPLES of what you want to see. There is a site out there with great macro photography of trichomes, I think....
anyway here are some examples of ripe buds

and my fave: