Are they ready for harvest? with PIC


Active Member
I need an expert advic0e on when I should harvest. I have 2 plants growing. I just want to get it right this time because my last crop didn't even get me high after 10-20 hits.:evil: I figure it was because I harvested to damn late. I just want to get it right this time. If their not ready then how long should I let them go for? Please advise.




Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you using because it looks like it is "flowering" under a bright blue light which is why it hasn't filled out after two months. You have at least a month. If you smoked your last plant when it looked like this it is becuase it was nowhere near finished. Have patience and take time to educate yourself more. I am reltively new to the art and I am learning more and more everyday. This site is a fantastic resource. GOOD LUCK.


Well-Known Member
yes you still have a long time. when all the clear hairs turn red your getting close and need to start watching the trichomes. go to radioshack and buy the ten dollar microscope and look at the trichs and they will look like little mushrooms and they should be 50 percent milky and 50 percent amber (kind of a gold color). right now they are clear because its premature. give your plant 2 tablespoons of mollasses or syrup in a two liter bottle of water and water with that every 3 to 4 weeks. it will help the buds swell. the last 2 or 3 weeks is when the buds really swell up and your top cola swells up and gets quite a bit larger as the buds fill in and make one solid bud. good luck


Well-Known Member
See the 2 brown hairs in the middle of this picture? Wait until every white hair is that color. And then wait a bit more.
