are they done ????


IMG_3997.jpgIMG_3998.jpgIMG_3999.jpgput them under scope some pistils are brown some are cloudy and some are clear still new to this any help guys????? thanks


Active Member
Are most of your pistils brown/red and receded into the bud? It looks like it but you got a better look at em in person then i do


yeah they are pretty thick and thats not even the top much longer man im starting to feel like they are done i have about 6 others but only this strain looks done...its called blueberry and in pictures its supposed to be blue and its obviously not but getting back from vaca today and checking them out the leaves are starting to turn purple...maybe they are going to turn blue i dont know but the plant is at least 8 feet tall and i had to tie it down a bit because it was going over my fence and i cant have that lol i cut a bud today off and put under the scope to me it looks like its done but im not an expert so i dont know

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
yeah they are pretty thick and thats not even the top much longer man im starting to feel like they are done i have about 6 others but only this strain looks done...
It's not done. I can see long white hairs on it. When it's done the calyxes will swell over the hairs and they will darken.



Well-Known Member
Looks very nice and fat but don't pull them yet, I know you want to really bad probably more than you'd like to admit ( which is normal for new people) and some veterans haha. However if you do pull them now you will be potentially missing out on weight and potency. When the bud container runs dry, we always wish we would have left our outdoor crop a little longer lol. Anyway though if you do get impatient, it's okay to clip a couple buds to try or even at worst just cut one plant, ( the shitiest one) and smoke that till the others are ready and so on. Hopefully you have enough so you can only sample and not pull them all just for some early smoke.


yeah one branch fell off last week the wind was pretty strong and when i came out it was just barely hanging on so i cut that hung it up for about 4 days and now i got in a mason jar ..........its only been one day but like i dont get it where does the smell go like is the jar gonna make it smell like weed?? on the plant it smells nice and once i trim and hang the smell goes away off one branch i would say i got about 2 ounces not bad.....i am getting impatient lol but i waited this long so im gonna let them go and ill keep posting pics ill take some of the other ones tomoro and hopefully get more advice from you guys.........thanks


Well-Known Member
Yeah you'll find as it dries more, you see the Crystals Reform after the moisture leaves and dries. The THC at the point of harvest is actually THCA, and converts to THC when dried. This is when you really start to smell her true scent lol.


took some new pics today lemme know what u think......also codster your saying that once they are in the jars the smell will come the longer i leave them in there???IMG_3997.jpgIMG_3998.jpgIMG_3999.jpgIMG_4001.jpgIMG_4002.jpgIMG_4003.jpgIMG_4004.jpgIMG_4005.jpgalso you will notice that i had to tie one down cause it got too tall is okay that those bottom branches are on the floor ?? or should i just take those off?


Well-Known Member
If you can tie up anything laying directly on the ground it would be better so they don't accidentally lay in water or get stepped on.
Looks good!


is it okay to clip lower branches does it affect the plant because a lot of my lower bran
ches are so covered they are barely getting any sun at all and the bottom ones arent looking as good as the top should i just cut them off?


Well-Known Member
Once the buds are dried and put in the jar, the longer you cure them the more the good weed smell will be, have patients, the longer the cure the better and smoother the smoke.