are they budding? can i make it stop?


New Member
i have ten clones i purchased in march. i have been growing them inside under a 400 watt hps since then with the intention of moving them outside into a greenhouse in late may or early june with the intention of a fall harvest. i had them on 16/8 initally. then abiut a month ago i switched them to 15.5 hours of light a day in an attempt to prepare them to go outside and match the natural daylight. on nice days i set them outside in the morning and then return them to the light room at dusk. i have been feeding them general organics go box nutes and using the early growth fomula. they have gotten crazy big during that time.

they are various strains:
three snow white
two blue cheese
two exodus kush
one kandy kush
one og kush
one iss

two weeks ago they started getting what i thought were preflowers. now they seem to be budding. the only ones not doing this are the three snow white. everything else seems to be budding. whyk? does it look like budding to youk? is there a way to make it stop so i can plant them outside and continue my grow as planned. are they gonna be fucked up and stunted. is it just gonna get worse.

my only theory is that they may be root bound in the pots. could this be causing thisk


i have ten clones i purchased in march. i have been growing them inside under a 400 watt hps since then with the intention of moving them outside into a greenhouse in late may or early june with the intention of a fall harvest. i had them on 16/8 initally. then abiut a month ago i switched them to 15.5 hours of light a day in an attempt to prepare them to go outside and match the natural daylight. on nice days i set them outside in the morning and then return them to the light room at dusk. i have been feeding them general organics go box nutes and using the early growth fomula. they have gotten crazy big during that time.

they are various strains:
three snow white
two blue cheese
two exodus kush
one kandy kush
one og kush
one iss

two weeks ago they started getting what i thought were preflowers. now they seem to be budding. the only ones not doing this are the three snow white. everything else seems to be budding. whyk? does it look like budding to youk? is there a way to make it stop so i can plant them outside and continue my grow as planned. are they gonna be fucked up and stunted. is it just gonna get worse.

my only theory is that they may be root bound in the pots. could this be causing thisk[/QUOTE
Def the start of flowering once the pistils show that's when I start the day count I had some do that to me too but not when I moved them back and forth between inside and outside. If you've been forgetting to bring them in for that supplemental light that can be a cause or what I think is most likely is when you got the clone is was most likely under floros for 24 hours and when you gave them 16 they got the signal to flower because they sensed la decrease in light. Just my 2 cents


New Member
thank you for the reply. i got them in march and they were tiny in solo cups. i have had them on the 16 hour light schedule since then and they grew into trees during that time with the budding problems only recently. i have not missed one single day of giving them supplemental light......however they are way bigger now and dont fit under the four hundred watt at all so when they are in there getting the supplental light some are on the outskirts.
so are they fuckedk? i put a lot of effort in preparing them for the outside greenhiuse. is there no way to get them to revertk?
shiuld i find new clones for the outside garden and star anewk?

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you giving them when they come in side. What temp is the light red or blue. I read another guy who was doing the same thing and his plants started to bud as well. I think it's the change form red to blue it stresses the plant I think. I would just put them out if you can and let them do their thing!


New Member
the light inside is a hps. i bought it at home depot. it is when you mean do their thing.... are you saying that i should leave them out.....let them bud and then reveg? or do you think they wil bud and keep budding? im in colorado here and the summer is just beginning. was hoping for several months of veg befor budding would begin.

how long do yiu think their growth will be stunted while they try to sort out what is happening. i was told by a local grower not to put them out without supplemental lught til june first. kind of afriad leaving them out will make problem worse before it gets better

it has been too cold to leave them out at night it stil drops to freezing aftet the big storm we just had but that shiuld be over. its supposed to be warn and nice now and i could leave them out from now on.

What kind of light are you giving them when they come in side. What temp is the light red or blue. I read another guy who was doing the same thing and his plants started to bud as well. I think it's the change form red to blue it stresses the plant I think. I would just put them out if you can and let them do their thing!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I would just leave them out they won't totally bud out. Once they get used to the outside light pattern they will get back on track. They may be stunted for a week or so from the stress but they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I had this happen when I increased ppms to ~ 500

I backed it down ~ 400, and the pistils stopped forming

Now I use hydro, so I can make such adjustments on the fly

If in a soil type medium, feed only pure water for a week

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Back to 18.
What are your night time temps there? (outside)
I hate to ask but what State are you in?
Getting them outside asap is going to help.


Well-Known Member
Leave them alone at 18/6. Minor issue. They will revert back to vegging. Stop worry about nothing darling.


New Member
It has still been getting pretty cold. Im in colorado. It is warming up after the last storm. Its gonna be in the low forties thenext few nights and then rising. Is that too cold to leave them out? I'm working on a 20x50 greenhouse but it won't be ready for a couple of weeks. I was gonna throw together a covered spot for them and start leaving them out based on some of the advice above. I am a little worried this will make the problem worse tho since we are getting just a bit over fourteen hours of day length right now. I also considered throwing them back to eighteen hours of light for a bit but then I will just have to deal with this all over again in two weeks when I go to put them back outside.

I will also give them flush of clean water if you think it will help if i stop fertilizing. I have actually increased the nitrogen as I was hoping it would help them go back to reveg.

So.....what do you all think? Stop putting them in and out and just put them out full time....let them get it out of their system....and hope they pick up growing again?

Or increase their light cycle?

Thanks to everyone who has commented. I have invested a lot of my love into them and was hoping by late august they would be i might be fretting over nothing.


Well-Known Member
correct me if im wrong, but isnt the requirement only 8 hours of darkness to trigger flowering times? that's why most people veg at 18/6 vs 16/8


New Member
Back to 18.
What are your night time temps there? (outside)
I hate to ask but what State are you in?
Getting them outside asap is going to help.
so you think put them out man? its gonna be abiut fifty on friday night and i think from here on out. or better to put them under 18? they look alot worse today. if i was after small buds id be doing a dance.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I looked at the pics again.

Put them out at first light and bring them in just after "true" darkness (you want them to be out at dusk till it's dark for the PAR light spectrum). Do this for a week. Your going to be "hardening" (acclimating them to the out doors and this means not in the greenhouse for that week. I want the wind on them). If after the end of this week and there is no chance the night temps will drop below 40F in the greenhouse.....transplant them in!

Don't worry about your finish bud size as they'll be just fine!

The PAR lighting will enhance the bud sites a bit till the spectrum flips closer to and into summer.
When they flower at the right time down the road. Your internodal spacing will be closer and the plants will look more like single long buds on the branching. Be sure to finish as long as you can to help the buds denseness.

Next year run 18/6 till transplanting in the Greenhouse and pot up in size as needed.


New Member
I looked at the pics again.

Put them out at first light and bring them in just after "true" darkness (you want them to be out at dusk till it's dark for the PAR light spectrum). Do this for a week. Your going to be "hardening" (acclimating them to the out doors and this means not in the greenhouse for that week. I want the wind on them). If after the end of this week and there is no chance the night temps will drop below 40F in the greenhouse.....transplant them in!

Don't worry about your finish bud size as they'll be just fine!

The PAR lighting will enhance the bud sites a bit till the spectrum flips closer to and into summer.
When they flower at the right time down the road. Your internodal spacing will be closer and the plants will look more like single long buds on the branching. Be sure to finish as long as you can to help the buds denseness.

Next year run 18/6 till transplanting in the Greenhouse and pot up in size as needed.
from one doctor to another.....thank you! that is essentially what i have been doing allready. they spend most of their time outside. i usually put them in before dusk though. so in that more artifical light anymore? i will be sure to post some pics later in the summer. thanks again.