Are These Too Young To Switch To 12/12?

#1 #2 #1 #2

Hi all,

Been lurking here for quite some time....reading and learning :)
Still very new at this, have grown a few plants in the past but this is the first "for serious, I'm going to do it right" attempt lol

Right now I have 2 plants, (White Widow) That are a month old (from seed).
Growing in a mixture of regular (no nutes) potting soil with perlite, vermiculite and pro mix added

Oh and I'm using CFL's.

Used Muskie 5-1-1 at half strength at around 2 1/2 weeks, just started full strength (15-6-6)

Plant #2 has been topped (and little number 3 is the cutting-also doing well it seems), but plant number one grew that way all on it's own.

My question is, I am very limited on space (height) and wondering how soon I can switch to 12/12?

And if anyone has any suggestions for improvement, don't hesitate to speak freely!!!

Thanks a bunch
Me and the girls (dear gawd I hope) appreciate it muchly.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
its best to flower when the plant has reach maturity ie preflowers, alternating nodes; but you can force flower anytime you want it just stresses it some when you force it


Active Member
Yes, you can start flowering now. Switch to 12/12 and as soon as the plant is mature it will respond and start flowering. You don't have to wait for pre-flowering the plant has it's own internal clock and it will still veg until it's ready. If you start now it will keep the plant size compact also it will still veg some if it needs to but you will be fine.
thanks guys!!!!

I was just doing a bit of reading on LST, would it be too late to give that a try?
Given the choice, I'd rather let these veg for at least another 2 weeks if possible, but I don't want to risk "outgrowing" my small space.


Active Member
LST away it won't hurt them just be gentle and open her up and watch her change.


Active Member
You should still be able to lst with little trouble. You may want to do it in small doses over a few days though. At this point the stems are likely stiff enough that if you tried to bend them horizontal all at once you may snap a branch. Just be gentle and remember that every day or two you can bend them a bit further once they've adjusted.


FIrst chk and see plants are showing pistils. at the nodes if so, you can flower if not they are not ready. you can go 12/12 but the will still do what they do
Thanks for the help everyone!!! Much appreciated :)

Since my original post, both plants have shown me that they are female!! Hoorayyyy!
Plan of action is to transplant them to their final pots tonight and as soon as they recover I'll be switching them to 12/12.

Thanks again!!