Are these tiny autos done yet?


Well-Known Member
They have beenin these 4'' cube pots with no added nutes to whatever soil they are in as a trial run.
These are LowRyder#2

Think Different

Also should this plant be kept to make male flowers and pollinate itself (sprayed with ga3 for a week now at 100ppm) or is it too late. The pistils are almsot all if not all red/brown now. And are the buds much bigger because of the ga3? If it wont make a fem crop then it might as well be tossed for room.

Lowryder#2 as well


Well-Known Member
ya its to late to self pollinate
you should start the gibb around preflower time
the seeds take a good while to mature
how old are your plants they look to be about 70+ days


Well-Known Member
So might as well toss that plant since its toxic to smoke or eat lol

Are the others ready to be made into butter? They were down between the week before may and may 7th. But they were very malnourished and root bound prob so are they done growing. IIt'd be nice to just boil up all the bud and some stem from them into butter and plant new ones properly in 1gal pots.
You said trial run planting. Thoses poor girls look so sad and were really a waste of good seed/plant. Try to get something from it like butter or oil. Really can't see what other benefit you could get from them. Good luck and next time after gerimination just put them into their permanent container from the get-go.