Are these still good...

Bottled nutrients/dry salt fertilizers they are unsafe

Make sure you dispose of them properly.

That's for dumping concentrated leftovers by the shitload not what your average little home grower like myself needs to dispose of. 1000ppm nutes are only 0.01% salts and barely taste salty to the human tongue.

The salts used in fertilizers are extremely toxic, that's why it's advised to not put them down the drain, i think you totally are clueless about what i am talking about. Table salt is totally different than salts used to make fertilizers.

You really should get some education about what you are using to grow your plants.

You are the one that needs education. I know my university level diploma in chemistry is 26 years old but it's magnitudes above what you got. The salts that come in bottles are the same salts that all those little microbes make from organic matter in the pots so that your plants can eat them. That's why they work so good. Just cutting out the middle man and feeding them what they need in one step.

Why do you think good organic soils need "cooking time"? It's so the micro-herd can build up more of those salts before your plants get in there to use them.

This is another one of those stupid organic vs hydro arguments that have been going on forever. Ignorant dirt farmers trying to justify their blind devotion to their cult-like belief that hydro salts are somehow the same as nasty chem like RoundUp.

I'm not saying you're stupid but you are coming across as ignorant. Stupidity is forever but ignorance can be cured with education.
That's for dumping concentrated leftovers by the shitload not what your average little home grower like myself needs to dispose of. 1000ppm nutes are only 0.01% salts and barely taste salty to the human tongue.

You are the one that needs education. I know my university level diploma in chemistry is 26 years old but it's magnitudes above what you got. The salts that come in bottles are the same salts that all those little microbes make from organic matter in the pots so that your plants can eat them. That's why they work so good. Just cutting out the middle man and feeding them what they need in one step.

Why do you think good organic soils need "cooking time"? It's so the micro-herd can build up more of those salts before your plants get in there to use them.

This is another one of those stupid organic vs hydro arguments that have been going on forever. Ignorant dirt farmers trying to justify their blind devotion to their cult-like belief that hydro salts are somehow the same as nasty chem like RoundUp.

I'm not saying you're stupid but you are coming across as ignorant. Stupidity is forever but ignorance can be cured with education.
You are the ignorant one, you are the one pouring toxic chemicals down the drain, you are poisoning your own water supply.

Negative Effects of Synthetic Fertilizers
Synthetic fertilizers have long-term negative effects. Synthetic fertilizers kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil that convert dead human and plant remains into nutrient-rich organic matter. Nitrogen- and phosphate-based synthetic fertilizers leach into groundwater and increase its toxicity, causing water pollution. Fertilizers that leach into streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water disrupt aquatic ecosystems. Synthetic fertilizers increase the nitrate levels of soil. Plants produced from such soil, upon consumption, convert to toxic nitrites in the intestines. These harmful nitrites react with the hemoglobin in the blood stream to cause methaeglobinaemia, which damages the vascular and respiratory systems, causing suffocation and even death in extreme cases (when blood methaemoglobin level is 80 percent or more). Synthetic fertilizers damage the natural makeup of soil in the long term. Plants that grow in overly fertilized soil are deficient in iron, zinc, carotene, vitamin C, copper and protein.
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You are the ignorant one, you are the one pouring toxic chemicals down the drain, you are poisoning your own water supply.

Negative Effects of Synthetic Fertilizers
Synthetic fertilizers have long-term negative effects. Synthetic fertilizers kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil that convert dead human and plant remains into nutrient-rich organic matter. Nitrogen- and phosphate-based synthetic fertilizers leach into groundwater and increase its toxicity, causing water pollution. Fertilizers that leach into streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water disrupt aquatic ecosystems. Synthetic fertilizers increase the nitrate levels of soil. Plants produced from such soil, upon consumption, convert to toxic nitrites in the intestines. These harmful nitrites react with the hemoglobin in the blood stream to cause methaeglobinaemia, which damages the vascular and respiratory systems, causing suffocation and even death in extreme cases (when blood methaemoglobin level is 80 percent or more). Synthetic fertilizers damage the natural makeup of soil in the long term. Plants that grow in overly fertilized soil are deficient in iron, zinc, carotene, vitamin C, copper and protein.
All I use is organic such as bat guano and stuff of that sort. Hell vegamatrix is plant based. These are the ones I dump in my garden or composter and never had an issue. As for cancer hell according to California everything causes cancer. As for my water supply it my well and everything is on the same side as my septic tank/ drain field which by law has to be so far from your well to avoid potential contamination. Beside after running throug 275 ft of sand and junk it filters all runoff and junk really well.
All I use is organic such as bat guano and stuff of that sort. Hell vegamatrix is plant based. These are the ones I dump in my garden or composter and never had an issue. As for cancer hell according to California everything causes cancer. As for my water supply it my well and everything is on the same side as my septic tank/ drain field which by law has to be so far from your well to avoid potential contamination. Beside after running throug 275 ft of sand and junk it filters all runoff and junk really well.
Yea thats different, i thought you were throwing bags of maxigrow/maxibloom on your compost heap, that would be a lot different than some vegamatrix.
All I use is organic such as bat guano and stuff of that sort

It's money grubbing guano harvesters tracking fungus from one cave to another on their boots and implements that has lead to massivt die-offs of bats starting in the eastern US and progessing across the world. Same kind of destruction going on with seabird colonies for their crap too.

So much for organics saving the planet eh. ;)

My chem diploma was in environmental chemistry so I'm fairly tuned in to the realities of double-speak and innuendo when it comes to environmental issues like sustainability.

Some coins have more than two sides.
Those nutes are just salts like the pink Himalayan sea salt I use on my food and it's millions of years old so I'd say use 'em up.

I bought gallon jugs of AN 3-part in 2002 and still have some left that I used last year when I ran out. The plants didn't seem to mind. Got all new jugs last year.

In Kelowna this week I had to order a 500ml jug of Bud Factor X at my favourite grow store and I picked it up on the way to my niece's wedding yesterday expecting to pay around $30-$50 for it. Free sample I was told. Nothing better than free so it's no wonder I do my shopping there! :)

At another grow store they have 4 - 1000W MH/HPS used magnetic ballasts for $75 ea and a few used Light Rails with meter long rails asking $175 ea. Same guy that works at the store is selling those and has other stuff so will be dropping by to see him this week as he works weekdays only. Prices are negotiable.

Going to have to hit mommy up for another loan against my inheritance. 10G ought to do it. 2g on grow gear, 4-5G for a decent vehicle to haul the grow gear back north and the rest for home repair etc. Her 90th today.
Ahhh just go for 20, get a nicer vehicle.
Edit; tell her happy birthday from RUI LOL.
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but why in the world would you ask this in the middle of the thread I started on old nutrients?

There's a whole section on plant problems. Look there, and think before you post, please.
The same reason it's on many threads lol.