Well-Known Member
Bottled nutrients/dry salt fertilizers they are unsafe
Make sure you dispose of them properly.
That's for dumping concentrated leftovers by the shitload not what your average little home grower like myself needs to dispose of. 1000ppm nutes are only 0.01% salts and barely taste salty to the human tongue.
The salts used in fertilizers are extremely toxic, that's why it's advised to not put them down the drain, i think you totally are clueless about what i am talking about. Table salt is totally different than salts used to make fertilizers.
You really should get some education about what you are using to grow your plants.
You are the one that needs education. I know my university level diploma in chemistry is 26 years old but it's magnitudes above what you got. The salts that come in bottles are the same salts that all those little microbes make from organic matter in the pots so that your plants can eat them. That's why they work so good. Just cutting out the middle man and feeding them what they need in one step.
Why do you think good organic soils need "cooking time"? It's so the micro-herd can build up more of those salts before your plants get in there to use them.
This is another one of those stupid organic vs hydro arguments that have been going on forever. Ignorant dirt farmers trying to justify their blind devotion to their cult-like belief that hydro salts are somehow the same as nasty chem like RoundUp.
I'm not saying you're stupid but you are coming across as ignorant. Stupidity is forever but ignorance can be cured with education.