Are these safe to start with!!!??!?!?


Well-Known Member
also i have 5 26wt CFL lights over a "plant" well its still a seedling, is that good enough, and if i absolutely have to, when do i change to getting more?


Well-Known Member
I highly advise not using miracle grow on sprouts. Save it for older plants or flowering. It has a nasty habit of being too rich for the little ones.. Burns their roots.


Well-Known Member
i need to know if these are good to start off with on your first plant...
Miracle Grow is loaded with man made fertilizers or in other words it is shit.

Start with a good potting soil which contains dolomite lime and mycorrhizae. If the bag contains these two ingredients, you are getting the best in that nursery. Do not settle for anything less or substitutes.

Dolomite lime keeps the soil PH in check no matter if you screw it up. It is a safe guard. Mycorrhizae is a bacterial innoculant (tubular fungus) which attaches to the roots.

Only the best potting soils have these two KEY ingredients. The rest of the soil will probably already have the usual assortment of shit mixed in such as bat, worm and seagull etc etc. I target these two ingredients (dolomite lime and mycorrhizae) and pay a little more per bag of potting soil but my weed is worth it.


tbh these people are right to some point. It's not the best, but am i growing 3 nice big and healthy month old plant yup.