Are these ready for sex determinaton?


New Member
I couldn't find a more fitting place to post this thread - but hey, I'm still a newbie.
Anyways, I have 4 plants, and I am wondering if they are soon are ready to determine their sex.

I put four nicely germinated seeds in soil in the middle/end of November.
Since then I've had them in small pots, nothing else than tapped water, no nutes. Changed soil this day.
Low watt CFL lightning (switched a bit between 24/0 and 18/6), a bit dry air, changing temps (it's winter, it gets a bit chilly while I'm away)

They have had some poor conditions, but still growing.

Note: Plant 4 has started to smell funky

And another question: If female - can they be put to flower?


(Text over is over pictures)

Plant one

I don’t know if I have focused the right part.


This is the top of that plant


Plant two

Two pictures of the stem part


Top of the plant

Plant three

Not the best pictures, sorry.

Top of the plant


Plant four

The picture is a bit out of focus, but I think what needs to be seen, can be seen

Top of plant



New Member
Really just nothing? It's a bit vague danny, but thanks anyways.
EDIT: Why is it that there's no indication? Too soon? Poor pictures?

What could be the reason for P4 smelling different than the other ones? It smell pot-like. Plant 1,2 and 3 smell like.. plants.
Could I try turning them from veg to flower at this time?


Well-Known Member
Too soon. Picture 4 is a good example, good pic, but no preflowers yet.

You could switch to 12/12 flowering schedule, depends on how many plants you got and the space you want to fill.


New Member
Thanks for replies.
So to get this straight - There is no signs of sex in vegetative stage? But it will show in flowering stage? (Yup, still newb)
I'll be putting them in 12/12 on monday.

And also thanks for the explaining pictures.

Would you recommend that I switch to a bigger pot before putting them to flowering? Currently using 5dl pots now.
Also - my intension is to do this as simple as possible. With no nutrients, no PH adjusting, simply use tap water. It has been done earlier, but would you advice me to put more effort in it or could I just roll with pure soil, tap water, no nothing?


Well-Known Member
Energy input = energy output. When u see ur first def u will sing a different tune. I respectur decision to keep it simple but even MG once a week is a good thing and some epsom salts...borrow some from a grandparent...they all have it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies.
So to get this straight - There is no signs of sex in vegetative stage? But it will show in flowering stage? (Yup, still newb)
I'll be putting them in 12/12 on monday.

And also thanks for the explaining pictures.

Would you recommend that I switch to a bigger pot before putting them to flowering? Currently using 5dl pots now.
Also - my intension is to do this as simple as possible. With no nutrients, no PH adjusting, simply use tap water. It has been done earlier, but would you advice me to put more effort in it or could I just roll with pure soil, tap water, no nothing?
A plant can show sex in veg, but takes some will just show quicker if flowering is induced.

As far as doing nothing besides adding water, I have a bad feeling about what kinda results you're going to get. Not because pumping soil full of nutes is required, since a good soil should hardly need anything more than water added to it to support a healthy plant, but it sounds like you plan on stickin' em in a corner, pouring some water in every once in a while and waiting....maybe I'm wrong lol...


New Member
Danny, thanks. I will check on the magnesium though. The soil I am using is a soil containing fertilized turf, sand and calcium. "For plants and vegetables". Wouldn't it be enough to just make sure that the plants have healthy soil?

ayr0n (pretty close to Ayreon), I have a ventilated reflector box that I keep them inside. Checking in on them each day, and water them when the top layer of soil gets dry. It has worked so far, not too much hassle. Cannabis is less fragile than I first thought. Although slacking probably affect the harvest.
This is my first time ever trying this, and I'm happy as long as I can get stoned on my own home-grown pot.

Oh, and by the way. The strain is unknown, since it's a bag seed. It does look indica dominant, doesn't it? (Still learning lol)
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