are these plants pot?

Ok thanks ill take my better camera tomorrow. And get some better shots. The newer leaves are serated closer in. they apear to be just starting to flower but ive never seen the real thing before so not 100 percent sure!


Well-Known Member
If it does turn out to be I am sure u will run into the fellow which could be bad. My advice leave a note if it starts budding that you found it and that the secret is safe with you..pretty sure you will at the least get left a little something because they will be so grateful it didn't get ripped.

all assuming it is some freak sativa with smooth edged leaves..never know look at the ducksfoot plant.


Well-Known Member
If it does turn out to be I am sure u will run into the fellow which could be bad. My advice leave a note if it starts budding that you found it and that the secret is safe with you..pretty sure you will at the least get left a little something because they will be so grateful it didn't get ripped.

all assuming it is some freak sativa with smooth edged leaves..never know look at the ducksfoot plant.
Or they'll freak out and yank them because someone found em xD


Well-Known Member
maybe so but I would think so long as it isnt there property they will feel a little safer then if they notice someone was poking around which they will if it is herb..we notice these type things.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
So i was taking a walk the other day and came across these at the end of a property.
can anyone tell me if they are or not. seeems a little odd hiw they are planted and in direct sunlight as well. Not the best pics .
thanks in advance!
In your 049 picture, you can see in the background items and a house on the hill. Now, look real close at that second window on the left. Do you see that rifle pointed towards you?

Joking about the rifle (lmao), but it does look like your in someone's back yard. Just sayin! Leave it alone as if you never saw it! Peace
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Well-Known Member
You should snip a quick young clone when you revisit (if it's pot). I guess that's technically stealing, but near negligible considering the size of it.


Well-Known Member
Huh. I would say no. The leaves could certainly pass for a sativa, but the structure just doesn't look like marijuana to me.


Well-Known Member
Just wait a few weeks and come back to see if it budded like a weed plant.
If it turns out a weed plant, leave a little note on the plant itself (So easily visible) and say you came across it and you admired it and left, and that you won't compromise it.

Then come back another few weeks later and see if he left a note for you, or see if its near done, and leave another little note saying you wouldn't mind buying some =D

Now you got yourself a local supplier.