Are these Mushrooms?? PLEASE HELP

This afternoon I went walking through my ranch and these little babies caught my eyes. I'm not quite sure if these are the correct ones so if somebody can please point out the truth. I am weed guy.... not the same with mushrooms hahaIMG1324_zps88fdb8ed.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well if you bothered to open it you would realize that is a more relevant place to ask your question...


Active Member
Those aren't the droids you are looking for, wait...

No those don't look like what you usually want for mushies.


Well-Known Member
Sigh, yet again. yes they are mushrooms. No one can tell by a picture alone. Forget about it.


Active Member
i see those all the time out on my ranch man they deffinatly dont look like anything you want to eat, i dont see any skirts or copper/brownish color on top of them or nothing. Im not expert but it deffinatly doesnt look like what you want


Active Member
Have a hard time believing with how many identification books, sites, etc that no one can tell by an image...I picked edible mushrooms (non psychoactive) mushies all the time when I lived in the midwest, true those are more distinct but still.


Well-Known Member
There are some that are distinctive enough, the rest? No, the books are regional keys and do no depend upon images alone.


Well-Known Member
you think those are the ones . for eating or to take a trip. they will give you a trip alright . straight to the grave. best to call the poison control right now


Well-Known Member
no, really, are these shrooms?

or is it a rock and a seagull or is it a duck. and don't post no hyperlink jive bullshit either