are these male or female


Well-Known Member
Ok next question I read that you can use male plants to make cannabutter how long should I let them go before I pull them


Well-Known Member
So whats "the deal" with herm seeds, If you let it pollinate your plants wont you just get herm genetics? I've heard people say it makes feminised seeds..but that doesn't sound right lol
Sorry for asking this on your thread but I was wondering because I got some plants going that could be from a far all female.


Well-Known Member
That's funny because there are a bunch of people who say males do produce thc it may not be as much as famles
But they do produce. The plants are sticky as all hell, this so sucks out of 7 plants looks like I have at the least 5 males
One has like some super thin thread kinda curled up I think that is a female and another one that does not show enough to tell
I think imma give it till tomorrow. The other three are gone I didn't want to take any chance of them messing up the others.


Well-Known Member
I asked Ray Charles and he agreed them is nutsacks. U can save the pollen and screw someone elses outdoor crop. Cock will get u cock/tubesteak.


Well-Known Member
That was a good one tell ray I said thanks. But I am not gonna hate on the next mans crop because
Mine was a sausage fest. I will just get rid of them dudes and start over with some fem seeds


Well-Known Member
U definately have a boy! And, no, u cant use him for cannabutter, that is, if u r trying to make cannabutter with THC, and other effective cannabinoids like CBD, and CBN, which is the whole purpose... Unless itz just got some awesome traits, and u plan to breed him with a female, then it has no value or purpose....


Well-Known Member
U gotta watch out for hermies with fem'd seeds oftentimes... Id HIGHLY recommend using regular seeds from a reputable source, and sexing them the "old-fashioned" way... This should just about always provide more stable genetics, as the parent plants werent stressed into producing "fem'd" seeds by way of hermie-ing... Thatz my take on it...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i veg for about 4 weeks or so , the plants will usually show pre flowers by on my sig that says sexing


Well-Known Member
Robert 14617 said it... They WILL develop preflowers anywhere from 4-usually 8 weeks in on 18/6, and thatz how I tell... I dont take clones and put em under 12/12 and all that crap, cause by the time they show, u will have preflowers on uncloned vegging plants, anyhow... So, to me thatz pointless... Just gotta wait for them to become sexually mature is all...