Are these Male or Female Preflowers??? HELP!

So I'm not sure if the 2 balls coming out of the node are where pistils are going to cone out of, or it is the beginning of a cluster of male flowers? It just started day 29 under 24/0 lighting. Anyone want to take an educated guess as to its sex??

Male or female?photo.jpg
i would say watch the ball shaped things each side of your nodes because as that flower grows upwards that may well be a set of balls growing but if it splits and hairs come out of them then uve got a female ....from my experience of plants it isnt a female until i see those 2 hairs .....the nodes doesnt mean anything its the hairs u wanna watch out for ....
there was a picture but ive removed it ,ha...damn its still there ..grr loll


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no any plant will not show sex until changed to 12/12.....the 12/12 is for sexin ur plant and flowering it to form buds ..u should see signs of sex of that plant in about 3 to 4 weeks of 12 off and 12 on lighting without any type of light whilst in darkness if u let it have any type of light during the night cycle u will turn out with a hermie which is a male and female with both sexes....
what you can do is tape a bit of your plant so it covers it in darkness for 3 weeks or so then take the cover off then u will see that the darkness has made your plant show its sex...thats another easy way of sexing your plant whilst in 24 hours lighting
u best ask about that first tho as i think u have to cover the node area so its completly dark around that part of the plant then undo it to let light in every 12 hours a day then tape it back up for 12 hours of nighttime then ull start to see it showing signs of its sex ...but doing that trick might make u think uve gotta turn your lights out lol and not just covering up the node area
haha ok I'm pretty sure I know what you mean, I'm gonna try covering up the whole branch 12/12 and see if I can get that to work. Thanks!