Are these Hermie Balls or New Sets of Leaves?!?!


Well-Known Member
I was having the same problem but most of the balls opened up into pistil covered flowers (1 week into flower), some female flowers don't show pistils until they open.

I'm still keeping an eye on it though to see if it produces pollen sacs.


Well-Known Member
I never saw anything weird on any of the pix except the very first pick, but it was kinda fuzzy, so i wasnt sure.. the rest looked fine. Caylxes are in a round form, but thats where the pistils come from, its normal, and is completely different than balls. Please look in the FAQ for pictures of each for comparison purposes..


Well-Known Member
This thread needs to be closed... The structures in the pics I posted back then have now turned into female flowers. There are white hairs coming out of those leaves, and I cannot find any balls anywhere on either of my plants. If it is a hermie, the balls are somewhere else...not in the pics I posted a while back.