Are These Balls on My Baby? Hermie Question

Well, the title explains it all. Im hoping my plant didnt hermie. they are about 3 weeks into veg and then i see these little balls on one branch of one of my plants. I just need to figure out if my plant will pollinate the rest. Also, if it is a male branch, how much damage could one branch do to the rest of the plants in a small room?



Well-Known Member
Thats what im thinkin... 3 weeks into veg.. that is already going into flower forsure. They dont look so much like balls(pollen sac`s) as much as they look like seeds forming in the flowers. Looks like its already been pollenated :(

Biological Graffity

Active Member strain is this? and u still on 18/6? ....look on the bright just got a shitload of auto seeds (with herm tendencies ....) as far as damage from one hermed branch? All of it...the whole f-n room....sorry ...:sad: