Are these babies budding or flowering?


Well-Known Member
Those pictures should be documented as murder. Next time you see a cluster of balls form on your plants, cut them down A.S.A.P.


Active Member
that really sucks man, 1 of six is even usable, but you could prolly make hash out of all the male plants, theres plenty of ways of doin that on here,
and thanks too actualy, i had a plant just growing wild that looks like that, now i know whats wrong with it


Active Member
Man that sucks to have 5 males out of six plants...I hope Im not so unlucky...but hey,....atleast now you know and your misfortune has made me learn what to look for in males...=]

Good luck with the female you got and your future growing.:blsmoke:


Active Member
I did the deed and uprooted the five males. I then redirected the all the lights to the remaining female, so let's see what happens.

Regarding hash, since I uprooted the plants, how much time do I have to make hash before the MJ spoils?


Well-Known Member
Tough luck man. Hang on to that female.

I did the deed and uprooted the five males. I then redirected the all the lights to the remaining female, so let's see what happens.

Regarding hash, since I uprooted the plants, how much time do I have to make hash before the MJ spoils?


Well-Known Member
those males have already released pollen have fun with some seedy shit :] , and be sure to clean your grow area before your next grow pollen is a bitch


Active Member
tough luck man ur bitch is probably seeded, lol good thing is you will have some seeds and u can hopefully clone some ladies off that one female #4 and grow her a couple sisters :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha man, i have 6 growing in my closet, 5 gone would be terrible! luckily clones you don't have to worry about that. good luck with the last female