Are there Scientific Studies Marijuana=Bad?


Well-Known Member
What are the scientific studies saying that Medical Grade Marijuana is bad for adults to use?

My Thoughts:
I watch a lot of documentaries and read a lot about marijuana lately. I hear activists say it's the tree of life and can do no wrong. I see anti-Marijuana people speaking against it saying there are "studies" saying it does this or that but they never site what exactly these studies are. I also saw some people in the marijuana industry who were more scientific in their approach who did not exhibit the vague, anecdotal, often emotional logic seen in the anti marijuana community. As someone with a scientific background I find a lot of flaws in the material I see, mainly from the anti-marijuana community. Anecdotal information is nearly worthless to scientific people because we're taught why it's unreliable. Scientific studies, that are done correctly, on the other hand are usually reliable, especially if you have multiple ones confirming previously proven results.

I did some research on the positive effects and found there are indeed scientific studies backing it up. The number of studies are lacking however apparently due to laws and lack of non-biased governmental funding.

I tried to find information about scientific studies saying marijuana and the results were not good. The only studies I could find were ones referenced about how it is bad for kids to use it. I am willing to accept that possibility being as the brain has not been wired as well as an older brain. This even though I know that cutting edge brain research says that the brain is constantly rewiring itself throughout our life and does not become as "hard wired" at around 18-24, as previously believed.
I didn't look too overly hard into this, but I didn't think I would need to. With all the anti-marijuana people out there in a big emotional huff about the changing times as well as the big money involved in keeping things as they are; I thought the first Google search would pop up an endless amount of facts explaining in a scientific and emotional way how marijuana is proven to be bad. I got plenty of emotion, but not many facts...
A big fat lazy person givin' an endless supply of mj and a never ending food supply will probably require knee replacement surgery at or before the age of fourty.
there have been studies on the correlation between cannabis use and schizophrenia.

but correlation and causation are not the same thing, and there is still more research to be done.

that's about it as far as i know.

Well said. Anti-cannabis folk don't seem to understand the difference between the two.

The current thing that seems to be making the rounds over here, is a supposed study which showed (suggested) that frequent cannabis use can knock 5 or so off you IQ. I declined to question my mother on how many IQ point she must have lost through religion (she's a vicar)
Personally I think marijuana is good for me.
I have believed that since I was 15.

there have been studies on the correlation between cannabis use and schizophrenia.

but correlation and causation are not the same thing, and there is still more research to be done.

that's about it as far as i know.

I hate those studies.
A person suffering from mental problems seeks out relief. Marijuana is used by people with mental issues. Tobacco also provides some relief.

Then they do a study and find that X amount of people with a certain mental issue use weed?

Well duh, they HAD the condition then tried to get relief. Weed causes schizophrenia like I cause cancer.

My eyes are red
I can feel it from this pot of collie herb slappin in my head.
I'm in a mellow mood, sipping this pot of our brain food.
Is it bad for you? No

However, some common sense is also required such as inhaling smoke into the lungs is probably not the best for them...
If a person is really stoned they may forget to get off the bus on time and maybe after smoking that first doob before you're even outta bed yet and going in the kitchen and start pouring the kettle into the jar of instant...these are the worst types of things that are gonna happen. Don't try to do math like figure out your taxes while stoned. It might cause you to quit your job. If I can think of any other bad things about smoking weed I'll let you know. Oh ya, and the police are always bugging people over it. Espescially if it's really stinky and they can clearly smell it. They should just go get thier own weed and leave people alone.