are there any STD's other than HIV that cause diarreha and fever?


Active Member
It can take up to 6 months for you to be able to test positive for HIV even if you're experiencing symptoms.... IMO I would relax. The reason why HIV is a pain in the neck is because people who transmit it don't know they have it... its rare you will experience symptoms at all especially this early bro just chill and smoke a bowl and watch a movie i swear to God your fine.


bud bootlegger
im going to go get tested at 2 today. the whole thing is do i really want to know. I definitly dont want to pass it on to sumone else if i do have it im just really curious if it could be any other std cause i truly believe its related to me fucking this hooker so im just hoping to god its any other std. I looked at the symptoms for HIV and it says a number of different sysptoms the only two that I have are diarrah and fever. i cant find those symptoms for any other std though thats what im concerned about
i'm fairly sure hiv has an incubation period, meaning you are exposed to it on x, but it won't show symptoms till y, which is usually a good 6 months or so after x, so i doubt it's the hiv honestly...

and trust me, i know all about being nervous about getting tested being an iv drug user for several years, i was scared shitless to get tested the first time honestly, but once i did so, and got my results saying i was clean, it was a huge load off of my mind to say the least, and not only that, if i were to come up positive, i would know not to go around sleeping with a bunch of people unprotected and what not..
trust me, bite the bullet, get all the tests done, and you'll feel tons better..


bud bootlegger
and ps, it only takes 15 minutes to get the results back for an hiv test anymore.. you can go today and know today, good stuffs.. :)


Well-Known Member
it is possible for it to cause a fever but its rare that it makes it to that stage before being noticed also it doesnt go away and come back. id say you have the flu. seems it lingers a little longer this year. take some pepto and a tylenol. if that doesnt help go see a doctor.


Well-Known Member
would mononucleosis give me diarreha and fever??? shit Im hoping i do have that shit anything but HIV ill take with a smile
I definitely had a fever on and off. Don't think I did have the runs, but Mono does come and go as you described.


It can take up to 6 months for you to be able to test positive for HIV even if you're experiencing symptoms.... IMO I would relax. The reason why HIV is a pain in the neck is because people who transmit it don't know they have it... its rare you will experience symptoms at all especially this early bro just chill and smoke a bowl and watch a movie i swear to God your fine.
damn man I hope so but when I googled it it said within the first week or so thats the first symptom was diarreha. I fucked a hooker and the condom came off at the end. she asked me if i had anything and i told her i should be more worried about her having sumthing and she said no not me. but shes a hooker how credible is she. also this mite sound stupid as hell cause it is but i fuced a couple other hooker weeks before and have a habbit of biting my nails so sumtimes i have little cuts and im wondering if even though i used condoms with the other hookers if i mite as well bare backed them due to the cuts on my fingers ya feel me?


Well-Known Member
yeah fluid transfers are a motherfucker. open wound if its a bleeding wound is always dangerous.


Well-Known Member
damn man I hope so but when I googled it it said within the first week or so thats the first symptom was diarreha. I fucked a hooker and the condom came off at the end. she asked me if i had anything and i told her i should be more worried about her having sumthing and she said no not me. but shes a hooker how credible is she. also this mite sound stupid as hell cause it is but i fuced a couple other hooker weeks before and have a habbit of biting my nails so sumtimes i have little cuts and im wondering if even though i used condoms with the other hookers if i mite as well bare backed them due to the cuts on my fingers ya feel me?
I found this post hilarious


Active Member
um I worked at an OBGYN for 4yrs and seen just about every STD there is to be seen. minus the blue waffle. but I believe the answer is no, no STD other than Aids is going to give you diarrhea. maybe...just maybe syphllis..... but if you had that you would have lumps on your hands and body.


well the test was negitive. the only thing is that its not for sure untill 6 months. but the symtoms im having are not hiv related or else it would show up on the test right?


Active Member
Symptoms are to vague, do you have anything else like funk on yo junk? Cause that usually is a good tip off that it is an STD


Well-Known Member
I'm bettin the diarrhia and fever are from you stressing out so much!! Have you learned your lesson? Save your money, the trip, AND the worry next time............internet porn is free, and, as far as I know, STD free.


Well-Known Member
Oh, one more thing. When I was young and thought a girl had given me something to remember her for a lifetime, I went to the county health department for testing. It is completely anonymous, and free. They give you a number and you call back for the results giving them the number. Hoping for the best for you!


I'm bettin the diarrhia and fever are from you stressing out so much!! Have you learned your lesson? Save your money, the trip, AND the worry next time............internet porn is free, and, as far as I know, STD free.
it was 40 dollars i couldnt pass it up. and yeah I learned my lesson