Are there any pharaphenalia threads? Looking to update the "pop can"


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's a mac issue, but this happens w/ my computer on other forums too. Whenever I enter the search word(s) I get "sorry no result match yadda yadda."

*SOOOO* If there are existing threads on this sorry in advance, but all I really want is your advice/thoughts/preferences on cannabis hardware. What's your favorite delivery method? I'm still at pop can mode LOL. I need something that is stealth. Can't have a giant bong in my house… need something small, portable, discreet.. sort of like the idea of a bubbler pipe, but that would not be too portable in a purse….

Watcha got? What do you like?


Well-Known Member
There's a section here called the glass house. Might find what you're looking for there.


Well-Known Member
When I feel like I am in danger, I just shove my meds into my passengers b-hole. Don't care who it is, if they're riding shotgun, they're getting "shotgunned"....


Well-Known Member
have you tried a head shop??
I can do that. I've also googled various paraphenalia and customer reviews, etc. I just wanted to see what you all thought and what folks here choose as their preferred method.

PS: Edibles are pretty decent. Completely different high.


Well-Known Member
Okay, this is ridiculous. I've been googling "vape pens, pot paraphernalia, head shops," etc. and I can't believe it's THIS hard to get anywhere! LOL. Does one have to use wax or whatever the heck they are talking about ? I just want a hassle free device. Geez!