Are There Any Long Term Side Effects From 2ci 2ce 2cp ect..


Active Member
lately ive been experimenting with various 2c's like 2ci 2ce and 2cp ive read up on them a little but i cant really find anything on long term side effects they can have i was wondering if there are any and if so what are they..also any short term side effects besides a nice trip lol?


Well-Known Member
not sure about 2cp but the only side effect I can find for 2ci and 2ce is death.


Active Member
Long term side effects of 2c-i that i had consists of eye floaters (or spot of light that falls from the top of your vision to the bottom or the other way around) and head aches. Also another thing iv never mentioned before (i dont think) is about 1 month or so after i received 500 mg of 2c-i, and split it with 4 people quite often for around 3 weeks, i got appendicitis and had to have my appendix removed. Might have had somethin to do with it.

Also iv never experienced this, but my buddy took a pretty high dose and went deaf for around 5 minutes.


Active Member
He had a pretty intense and maybe traumatizing event occur while he was trippin that could have set somethin off though.


Well-Known Member
yea. thatll do it sometimes. i was tripping on 2cb once and the guy i was chilling with got into it with another dude and pulled out a shotgun. not exactly trip appropiate behavior, in my opinion.


Active Member
Lol yeah doesnt sound to appropriate to me either. My bitch of a dog killed one of my cats baby kittens and he had to bury it, and this man loves cats more than people. Was pretty fucked up :\ nothing as intense as getting a shotgun pulled out on you though lol

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Man U gave me some great ideas .... I need to get a large caliber ...
Fake ... plastic GUN !

Gonna pick ONE up tomorrow !

You guys are the best !!



Active Member
Crypt had told me that there are no long term effects pertaining to 2cb... Although my friend and I had *thought that we had slight distortions in vision up to a few days afterwards. My friend, however, says that he still has these distortions every once in a while, and he hasn't taken 2cb in months. I have a theory that perhaps the nerves in your eyes are not used to the amount of light and or the neurological patterns experienced during a trip, and may account for the distortion effect in the days to follow... I have no evidence to back this up, however.

But holy shit! having a shotgun pulled out on you! ESPECIALLY while tripping!!!! My god, I'm glad there are strict gun control laws in the north east for situations like the one described.


Active Member
Lol the bluegrass state :P Kentucky but i wouldnt mind enjoying some more purple leaves around here. Fruity pebbles i like to call it :P


Active Member
Really people.... I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out that we don't REALLY know anything about RC's. They are just that "research chemicals". Chemicals meant for research, because nobody really knows about them. For all we know in 30 years all these kids messing with rc's are gonna have dementia or some shit.

I'm not saying they are bad, I'm not saying they are good. I'm just saying that your question will not be answered with any certainty for the next 20 or so years. So find out what you can and make a judgement on wheather or not you want to consume them.

Personally I have not taken any RC's just because of lack of access. Although I will try some if I get the chance.


Well-Known Member
You do post some nice informative stuff up Asdf1! I thought the same thing with 2C`s... My commonsense says trust 2Cb as its been around for longer than the others. Your right, nobody knows wtf they do. Same thing goes for those JWH/synthetic cannabis blends.

I would try them (specially the 2cb and maybe 2ci) if I got a chance but not more than 1-3 times :) Some people are shit hot with their RC`s on this site though :D


Well-Known Member
2cb is the only RC that ive tried and it was amazing. ive heard good things about a few of the others(2ci and 2ce)but havent really played around with any of them yet.


Active Member
2c-i was just ok. Id love to try 2c-b, but i had access to 2c-e and 2c-i and i chose 2c-i lol. I wish i would have gotten the 2c-e though because the i was lacking a lot. It felt like being on a x pill with like 50 mg of mdma and an upper like adderal or somethin. Was fun while it lasted though. The visuals were pretty good at night when the wind is blowing. Shit looks reaaaallly robotic