Are temps too high?

ez profit

Hey everyone!! Okay I'm a 6 weeks into veg on an indoor setup with cfls and showing signs of heat stress (curling and twisting tips). Temps are at 87-89 lights on and 79-80 lights off. Is this too hot? 4 26w cfls 1 68w cfl and 4 4ft flouro tubes!! Any input is appreciated!

ez profit

4x2x6 closet. I have a 20 inch box fan in the doorway with the door open as wide as the fan is so 2ft or so. Blowing directly in the room. I know this isn't the best or even close but kinda strapped for cash so any cheap ideas would be appreciated! Also was told that cfls and tubes don't get hot enough to damage plants???

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
well CLFs dopnt make to much heat..maybe its the balasts on the 4ft tubes...they can make a lil bit of heat.


Active Member
you might want to get a 4" duct fan. Like this one. and some ducting. suck the hot air from your grow area and exhaust it out a window or to the other side of the room.

ez profit

I'm no electrician so I need things that are plug in and go. Is that how a duct fan is?? Would a smal oscillating fan inside the room by the ballasts on the tubes be helpful?? Thanks SCCA and Dizzle you are always helpful!!!


Active Member
yep that one comes pre wired. the small oscillating fan would probably help a bit, but you really need to find a way to evacuate the hot air. all indoor growers should have basic wiring skills and an understanding of electrical circuits, it will save you from killing yourself :D go to your local library and check out a few books on wiring, or grab one of those do-it-yourself house wiring books from home depot.

sir rance alot

Active Member
A small oscillating fan will do the trick... You will need to mount it up high so it is blowing on the light fixtures and not the plants. Try to mount in the back of the grow chamber if possible and have it blow the heat out of the door. When I first started I had the same exact problems your going through now and a little 6 inch fan dropped my temps 10 degrees.

sir rance alot

Active Member
It doesnt even have to oscillate. just a cheap 5 dollar fan from any store. Just make sure your blowing air on your fixtures. I guarantee it will work.

sir rance alot

Active Member
And about the cfl's getting hot.. remember cfl's are very different. T-12 tubes are only 40 watts and they are 4 feet long and almost 2 inches in diameter and the ballast is located away from the bulb so the heat is spread out, therfore they only get a little warm. Those little curly bulbs however are only about 1/2 inch in diameter and only a few inches long when stretched out, also the ballast is attached to the bulb, therefore they get hot as hell. Remember the higher the wattage the hotter the light, no matter if its cfl or HID's.

ez profit

Thanks sir rance for the info I will try that only one problem I am using fluorescents so they are pretty close to the plants so putting the fan on them and not hitting the plants will be a little tricky. Or will that matter?? Any thoughts???

ez profit

About the cfls. That's makes a lot of sense. That is probably what caused my plant to twist! I was told cfls don't get hot enough to hurt the plant so I had all 4 26w cfls like 2 in. Away from the side of the plant!!! I guess you can't trust everything you hear!! So you are saying they get hot like HIDS?? So how far away should the cfls be?? Sorry bout 20 questions it's my first and I am over cautious and a little OCD about her!!


Well-Known Member
Those temps aren't that high unless you have zero air flow. I run my rooms at 85 day and 70 night. How are you feeding them. Leave tips will start to curl from over fert or over watering. the tips start to bend up to let as much water evap as they can. Are you sure you aren't over watering or over feeding?

ez profit

I had to transplant cause it was in too small of a pot.. Used "just right" soil so I haven't fed her yet. But I water every 3-4 days depending on how moist it is. This was about 5days ago!!