Are Seeds From a Hermie Bad to Plant?


We had a hermie from our last crap. We saved a few seeds. What would the traits be of that seed? Will it also produce another hermie?? If I had another plant that had some stress or light poisoning and produce seeds... are those good to plant? Or is it garbage in garbage out???

Gracias :)-


Well-Known Member
Those should be fine. The plants will all (99%) be females. That's a good thing. This is how feminized seeds are produced.


Well-Known Member
You most likely did not have a real hermaphrodite, but a trannie.
The seeds from a real hermaphrodite would give you about 50% hermaphrodites, 25% males and 25% females.

Real hermaphrodites are kind of rare, especially when buying from good breeders.

If a plant turned trannie on you, it is most likely due to stress, over feeding/watering, bad temps or a combination of factors.


If the plant was pollinated by a male (different stand), what traits would the plant take on if I DID decide to try to plant the seeds? We aren't sure exactly what caused the problem, it may have been pollinated from a male (which turned out to be crap weed) or stressed/light poisoning The female is a good strand, I just don't want to put the time and resources into it if has a chance to have some of the male traits (if that was indeed the problem that turned the plant into a trannie).


Well-Known Member

A plant pollinated by a male will give you seeds that are 50% a mix of the parents, 25% will take after mom and 25% will take after dad.
imo the dad's traits are a bit more dominant in the offspring

if the dad was shit, the seeds will pretty much be shit