Are reservoirs supposed to stink kinda funky after a day or two?

I admit my water temps are 23C, but c'mon it ain't the worst! I know that 18C would be great, but c'mon 23 ain't supercrazy!
The fact that you keep "admitting" the temps are too high kind of shows you are trying close your eyes for the real problem. There's nothing to "admit", it's either too high or it isn't, and 23 is too high. "Ain't the worst, ain't supercrazy" isn't going to help you grow mj. It has been pointed out to you in several threads that you need to keep the temps low. My water goes bad in a matter of days too if I leave it on 23C or 22C even. Keep it on 16-20 (below 70f) and all your probs will likely disappear. Keep it above 21 and you will continuously have to patch the problem.

There are slits cut out, so light-leak. But how come StinkBud does't have problems with light, since he is and has been using the exact same system?!? So I might exclude light-leak out of it; I am sure he would have mentioned it!
Just as good temps, full 100% darkness is not optional. It's not something you can exclude because you assume someone would have mentioned it. Again, closing your eyes for the real problems and basics isn't going to help you. First thing I noticed when looking at those pics was the huge hole in the rez, that's obviously not going to work.

Because the water drips back into the Res, I doubt there is a need for an airstone. Water drips in for 1 minute every 4 mins. That should be enough, I guess.
Again, you see the problem but choose to wishfully think it can be ignored. Temps, a dark rez, proper oxygenation, all not optional because they will lead to the probs you have. A few drops 25% of the time is not going to be enough at all.

So what should I do guys?
Stop ignoring the basics.
The fact that you keep "admitting" the temps are too high kind of shows you are trying close your eyes for the real problem. There's nothing to "admit", it's either too high or it isn't, and 23 is too high. "Ain't the worst, ain't supercrazy" isn't going to help you grow mj. It has been pointed out to you in several threads that you need to keep the temps low. My water goes bad in a matter of days too if I leave it on 23C or 22C even. Keep it on 16-20 (below 70f) and all your probs will likely disappear. Keep it above 21 and you will continuously have to patch the problem.

Sure, I am not arguing with that. Although, I have read that the temps should be between 18C-23C. I absolutely agree and know that 18C would be prefect, but why do they say that 23C is still within the acceptable range; that's why I said that it wasn't supercrazy. But obviously, yes, I need to keep it at 18, but it's so bloody hard without the proper equipment: running 3x 100L res's and a 50L vegging unit. To keep that at that temp I would need a dedicated freezer just for that. Over 4 gallons of frozen bottled water and one more the amount on stand by. Of course I am gonna get slammed for not being prepared, but I just had no idea about this; I was following Harvest a Pound Every 3 Weeks and I must admit that the emphasis on this in the book is minimal.

Just as good temps, full 100% darkness is not optional. It's not something you can exclude because you assume someone would have mentioned it. Again, closing your eyes for the real problems and basics isn't going to help you. First thing I noticed when looking at those pics was the huge hole in the rez, that's obviously not going to work..

You're being too harsh on me here now. That was a picture of StinkBud's prototype unit. I mean, allegedly, it has been very successful for many people, with the light-leak. I must go and find out in the Harvest a Pound thread.

Again, you see the problem but choose to wishfully think it can be ignored. Temps, a dark rez, proper oxygenation, all not optional because they will lead to the probs you have. A few drops 25% of the time is not going to be enough at all.

Stop ignoring the basics.

Again, I know I am throwing the name around StinkBud here and Stinkbud there, but he only recommends Airstone for the vegging unit, he says it's not needed for the flowering units. You give very good advice and points, but do you have this system, have you tried it?

It sureky will be the temps, I am gonna have to battle this; it'll be very labourr intensive. Thanks for the info.
i like how he ignores everyone's advice and keeps coming back asking for help.

fuckin light leaks, no air stone, high temps, "keep it clean".... come on guy...
i like how he ignores everyone's advice and keeps coming back asking for help.

fuckin light leaks, no air stone, high temps, "keep it clean".... come on guy...

I am not ignoring the advice at all. If anything, what I am actually saying is apparently being ignored. I am saying that I have built a StinkBud system according the the manuals to a T, and that's the way he has the Flowering units; no airstone, cut slit across (thus light-leak). But instead I am treated here as an idiot who is the only one in the world who is doing it wrong, while ignoring that there must be others using the exact same system, perhaps without any complications. What are you using, Hydroburn? Are you using DWC, Nft/Aero? Maybe there are othere approaches for other systems; maybe you can get away with aero/nft with stunts you couldn't with DWC or whatever. No need to treat me like a fucking twat! I was hoping that someone who uses or has used the identical system could tell me how they got on; but instead you get radicals who, perhaps, have never tried any other system than theirs and will slam yours.

And remember, this thread will not only serve me but others too who might be brought here by Google, finding out about cloudy res's or StinkBud system. So let's be hopeful, considerate and open minded instead of....
okay you are listening to advice and choosing not to implement it then... same end result. you are ignoring the basics of growing hydroponically because you think you can just copy some dude's setup instead of actually learning how to grow. I don't know why the stinkbud system apparently has huge light leaks, never cared to look into it... but that is dumb as fuck no matter what mediumless hydro method you are using, unless your plan is to grow algae in hydroponics.

and you have other hydro 101 issues you need to address

Even though it's getting a little tense here, I would be happy if you stayed and continued sharing your knowledge, but, of course, do as you will. As I said before, this thread does not only serve but others to brought by Google, so I will continue adding input here should it be worth it.


I mentioned several posts above that I was onto the Dutch Pro crowd, but I didn't elaborate on it as I hadn't found anything worth mentioning, but now I do. The guy asked did I have Multi Total, and I actually did, as it came with my starter pack — I didn't find it really useful, or so I thought. He told me to add that in and leave it settle for 24 hours and let him know. So indeed I put the last of what was left of it, because it came only as a small bottle in the Starter Pack, and listen to this. Prior adding it, yesterday, the Res's were cloudy and the stink was getting more pungent, and also more sudsy stuff appearing. Today no stink at all, whatsoever, nothing! The res is still cloudy as before, but no stink, and all the suds is gone too, maybe just tiny bit left. My pH hasn't budged since yesterday.

Just thought it'd be worth to mention.
okay you are listening to advice and choosing not to implement it then... same end result. you are ignoring the basics of growing hydroponically because you think you can just copy some dude's setup instead of actually learning how to grow. I don't know why the stinkbud system apparently has huge light leaks, never cared to look into it... but that is dumb as fuck no matter what mediumless hydro method you are using, unless your plan is to grow algae in hydroponics.

and you have other hydro 101 issues you need to address
I am addressing what I can! I am battling the temps: I am putting there frozen bottles daily. I cannot address the lightleak, because I just can't, as that's the way the system is built; it drips back in through holes! And yeah I might as well buy more airstones and pumps. But before I dish out a cent, I am gonna go into Stinkbuds thread (even though he doesn't appear there too often) and find out how they get on with the system, if they have had to alter the design..
because you think you can just copy some dude's setup instead of actually learning how to grow. I don't know why the stinkbud system apparently has huge light leaks, never cared to look into it... but that is dumb as fuck no matter what mediumless hydro method you are using, unless your plan is to grow algae in hydroponics.

I am sure you have come across the thread in this forum Harvest a Pound Every 3 Weeks.
Have you ever had a problem only and solely because of light-leak?
Wow... why are you so set on closing your eyes for the simple reality?

I don't know why the stinkbud system apparently has huge light leaks, never cared to look into it... but that is dumb as fuck no matter what mediumless hydro method you are using, unless your plan is to grow algae in hydroponics.

As I said before, this thread does not only serve but others to brought by Google, so I will continue adding input here should it be worth it.
You refuse to take simple basic essential advice responding with silly questions to question my credibility on subjects I knew "before" I even put my system together, yet you think your input is worth it to people who come here from Google... are you daft? At most your attitude is a good example of how-not-to-hydro.

I am sure you have come across the thread in this forum Harvest a Pound Every 3 Weeks.
If you weren't such a hopeless noob I would think you are SB promoting SB.

Unlike Stinkbud apparently, I was trying to help you...
I am addressing what I can! I am battling the temps: I am putting there frozen bottles daily. I cannot address the lightleak, because I just can't, as that's the way the system is built; it drips back in through holes! And yeah I might as well buy more airstones and pumps. But before I dish out a cent, I am gonna go into Stinkbuds thread (even though he doesn't appear there too often) and find out how they get on with the system, if they have had to alter the design..

Have you tried flushing?
Wow... why are you so set on closing your eyes for the simple reality?

Because I just can't believe and accept that a guy with 14 yrs experience, or so he claims, well known to RIU and other forums, would create a system, and use it successfully (so he claims), put into an ebook, put the blueprints in here so hundreds of people can make it, would omit so n00bishly the lightleak. I mean like he, and every one who uses that design, must have light going in. Obviously this thread has opened my eyes too, but there isn't much I can do when the grows are going right now and the slit is a part of the design right now!

You refuse to take simple basic essential advice responding with silly questions to question my credibility on subjects I knew "before" I even put my system together, yet you think your input is worth it to people who come here from Google... are you daft? At most your attitude is a good example of how-not-to-hydro.

What are you on about? Someone got out of the bed with the wrong foot! What silly questions? I just asked you whether you have used this or similar design, so I can see where your knowledge comes from.

I "knew" everything before I put together my system too. Unfortunately my source was the book — I had no reason to look elsewhere. He is well known, threads about his systems all over RIU and lot of people seems to be using it. So you can't really blame me for trusting his book like.

So are you saying that it isn't valuable information that Keep It Clean completely rids the system of slime, no? It's not worth telling people that Multi Total enzyme completely gets rid of the rank smell, obviously having a positive effect in such situation, no? Of course I don't have any other input worth mentioning (never said I did) with my minimal experience. Who is daft is you for thinking that I was thinking I had some other.

If you weren't such a hopeless noob I would think you are SB promoting SB.

Thanks for calling me hopeless.

Unlike Stinkbud apparently, I was trying to help you...

Fine, be off. I'd rather have no help than being treated disrespectfully, like a retard. I have some years down in my life and sense of dignity. I thanked everyone in this thread for everything, I wasn't challenging anyone experience-wise. I said several times that I understood your advice, but I also conveyed what my situation was. I don't know why this thread turned out so nasty; maybe if senior members weren't so stuck up and would listen what the junior one is facing or being stuck at, instead of insulting them and treating them like a baby; maybe then some adult conversations can be carried out.
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it sound like pythium/root rot. keep your res at 65-70.
I am on top of the temps now (must get a second freezer in future to have 5L bottles always on stand by), keeping them at 68 with frozen bottles and fans blowing in the res's; things have improved a lot. Will report further on progress. Thanks
I am on top of the temps now (must get a second freezer in future to have 5L bottles always on stand by), keeping them at 68 with frozen bottles and fans blowing in the res's; things have improved a lot. Will report further on progress. Thanks
I think a chiller would be cheaper and easier. No, wait, you've got like a dozen reservoirs or something. Never mind.
I think a chiller would be cheaper and easier. No, wait, you've got like a dozen reservoirs or something. Never mind.
Yeah haha :D. I was looking at those chillers as well. It's a no no. They are big (I am very space tight) very expensive, and have no idea how to run it through 4 res's.

But hey, will buy one of those dedicated freezers which are used for meat, and I'' leave in the kitchen andwill keep 5L bottles in deep freeze. This will work just fine
I tried the frozen bottle thing once. Changing bottles got old real fast. Actually, I used 1 gallon freezer bags. My freezer couldn't keep up. If you were on a well, you could just run tap water through a hose submerged in the reservoirs. Well water is pretty cold. Well usually, depends where you live.
I tried the frozen bottle thing once. Changing bottles got old real fast. Actually, I used 1 gallon freezer bags. My freezer couldn't keep up. If you were on a well, you could just run tap water through a hose submerged in the reservoirs. Well water is pretty cold. Well usually, depends where you live.
I know what you mean. My freezer doesn't keep up either at the moment, but I am managing the temps for the time being. No, I don't have a well — living in urban area.

This baby (only illustration) will solve my problems.