Wow... why are you so set on closing your eyes for the simple reality?
Because I just can't believe and accept that a guy with 14 yrs experience, or so he claims, well known to RIU and other forums, would create a system, and use it successfully (so he claims), put into an ebook, put the blueprints in here so hundreds of people can make it, would omit so n00bishly the lightleak. I mean like he, and every one who uses that design, must have light going in. Obviously this thread has opened my eyes too, but there isn't much I can do when the grows are going right now and the slit is a part of the design right now!
You refuse to take simple basic essential advice responding with silly questions to question my credibility on subjects I knew "before" I even put my system together, yet you think your input is worth it to people who come here from Google... are you daft? At most your attitude is a good example of how-not-to-hydro.
What are you on about? Someone got out of the bed with the wrong foot! What silly questions? I just asked you whether you have used this or similar design, so I can see where your knowledge comes from.
I "knew" everything before I put together my system too. Unfortunately my source was the book — I had no reason to look elsewhere. He is well known, threads about his systems all over RIU and lot of people seems to be using it. So you can't really blame me for trusting his book like.
So are you saying that it isn't valuable information that Keep It Clean completely rids the system of slime, no? It's not worth telling people that Multi Total enzyme completely gets rid of the rank smell, obviously having a positive effect in such situation, no? Of course I don't have any other input worth mentioning (never said I did) with my minimal experience. Who is daft is you for thinking that I was thinking I had some other.
If you weren't such a hopeless noob I would think you are SB promoting SB.
Thanks for calling me hopeless.
Unlike Stinkbud apparently, I was trying to help you...
Fine, be off. I'd rather have no help than being treated disrespectfully, like a retard. I have some years down in my life and sense of dignity. I thanked everyone in this thread for everything, I wasn't challenging anyone experience-wise. I said several times that I understood your advice, but I also conveyed what my situation was. I don't know why this thread turned out so nasty; maybe if senior members weren't so stuck up and would listen what the junior one is facing or being stuck at, instead of insulting them and treating them like a baby; maybe then some adult conversations can be carried out.