Are reservoirs supposed to stink kinda funky after a day or two?

You've got high res temps plus stagnant water. I feel root rot coming on. Do you have access to your plants roots? If so check them asap. Youll know if you have it or not. It will smell BAD!
You've got high res temps plus stagnant water. BAD!

That cannot be. I am running an airstone the past 2 days. Yes, I have high temps, need to sort that out.

Do you have access to your plants roots? If so check them asap. Youll know if you have it or not. It will smell BAD!

Yes I do. Have a look at the 1st page in this thread, there is a pic. I just finished a complete clean-up. Scrubbed the Res, airstone, everything. Ran bleach water. Have put in new nutes and all, 3rd time this week! So hopefully this time I'll win :)

I checked the roots and there is no odour coming out of them at all. I will take a picture later on. For now I wanna give them a break. They have gone thorugh a rough patch the last several days.
Dont buy that stuff. Just use .5ml/gal of non scented bleach in your res witb each res change. Been doing it for 5 years with no issues.
Dont buy that stuff. Just use .5ml/gal of non scented bleach in your res witb each res change. Been doing it for 5 years with no issues.
Just put in exactly that even before this post lol :D. Thanks for that. However, in futire I'm gonna get "Keep it Clean"
T5 finally arrived. Have got rid of the annoying 600W HID. Note: the roots look small because of the recent changeover of pots: they were previously hanging, now they are coiled. I must admit that they have a brownish tint now. But no smell whatsoever.

Side note: I added 0.5 ml/gal of bleach 2 days ago and the plants are fine. I intend to get a product instead fo bleach for my res though.


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Another pH fluctuation today (up), res is looking cloudy at the bottom. It was as clear as crystal yesterday. No smell yet. Gonna change my res now.

My nutes are going like crazy in this pace. I had bleach in it and still it didn't stop it, weird! However, the bleach did not harm my plants, either! My temp in the past 24 hours was 24C. Little bit above normal — I wanted to see if the tem will dop naturally since the HID is gone.
ADDON: Res changed over and up and running. Plants, especially roots, have shown growth. I am wondering did this happen because the Chlorine may have dissipated in the 3 days? I might try adding small amounts every 2 days, for a week to see what happens. What do you think guys?
I can't figure out if you are trying to do laundry or grow weed.

Are you being smart, or nasty, or what's your problem? No need for childish comments like that.

less than 24 hours btw.

Even a layperson like me knows that it depends on the concentration. The tap water concentration dissipates in less then 24 hours, other much higher concentrations can stay for days, weeks, even longer.

Seriously like, I thought it was for common good for everyone trying spread knowledge and skill. On the very same path you'll learn something too. No need for cockiness. Some number of members reccommend and have used Chlorine in this forum. I have it there about 5 days and the plants strive. So state your case.
Are you being smart, or nasty, or what's your problem? No need for childish comments like that.
Comes with the territory, just smile and let it slide (or if you can't beat them, join them :fire:)

I remember the discussion about the pump on timer or not, I was under the impression you we're using a hybrid nft system. Or is this just for getting them started?

Anyway, the issue you are running in to is classic and has been discussed many times in these forums. It's almost always grower-error and something that can be prevented if you follow the basic advice that has been given to you in other threads as well. Proper temps are not optional, unless you want to mess with bennies. That's a choice you really should have made in advance during preparation. Are you going to run sterile (use bleach, h202, chiller) or use bennies (brew teas, enzyme products, bennies in a bottle). I'm personally all for the former. Keep those temps low, make sure it's all 100% dark in the system, proper oxygenation, not too much nutrients, use clean water, and it's pretty much plug and play.
I like perpetual flood and drain hydro "because" the res can be in the mother room where the temp is somewhere between 60-69F and the budding room can run up to 80F.
There's a whole lotta other reasons also.
Are you being smart, or nasty, or what's your problem? No need for childish comments like that.

Even a layperson like me knows that it depends on the concentration. The tap water concentration dissipates in less then 24 hours, other much higher concentrations can stay for days, weeks, even longer.

Seriously like, I thought it was for common good for everyone trying spread knowledge and skill. On the very same path you'll learn something too. No need for cockiness. Some number of members reccommend and have used Chlorine in this forum. I have it there about 5 days and the plants strive. So state your case.
already gave suggestions; sounds like you have it handled.
all you have to do is go to the pet store... get a little tap water conditioner to remove chlorine... just like you were going to fill up a fish aquarium. pick up a 15 dollar tub of pond-zyme which will last like 2 years... and add maybe a quarter scoop once a week. use the tap water conditioner when you make a new res so the chlorine doesnt weaken the bennies.

I prefer aquashield over pondzyme, or using them both. it is 40 bucks for a gallon at most hydro stores. bleach and sterilizers wont do shit at high temps because it gasses off to quickly and pathogens multiply too fast in warm water. sterilizers also do nothing beneficial for the roots other than slow slime blooms (in combination with cool water).

so yes, if you can keep the water around 68* the bleach should work fine for prevention. but if you are talking about warm water or an established slime problem.... forget it. its not like adding a shotglass of aquashield to the res once a week is time consuming or expensive, and the bennies work well in warmer water.

if temps are an issue you can put ice bottles in your res. you could probqbly do one or two 1 gallon Gatorade bottles once a day for that size cooler and lower temps significantly. 77* water is about the top end with dwc...

drain the res, wipe it down with hot bleach water, mix up a new res with dechlorinated water and bennies.
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Comes with the territory, just smile and let it slide (or if you can't beat them, join them :fire:)

I remember the discussion about the pump on timer or not, I was under the impression you we're using a hybrid nft system. Or is this just for getting them started?

Anyway, the issue you are running in to is classic and has been discussed many times in these forums. It's almost always grower-error and something that can be prevented if you follow the basic advice that has been given to you in other threads as well. Proper temps are not optional, unless you want to mess with bennies. That's a choice you really should have made in advance during preparation. Are you going to run sterile (use bleach, h202, chiller) or use bennies (brew teas, enzyme products, bennies in a bottle). I'm personally all for the former. Keep those temps low, make sure it's all 100% dark in the system, proper oxygenation, not too much nutrients, use clean water, and it's pretty much plug and yplay.

You are right. I am, or rather will be using hybrid Aero/Nft, but only for budding. For my veggies I use aero in a box lol. I will improve with the temps now, since I have the t5 it should be much easier.

I also mentioned this product several times and no one has made a comment about it: Dutch Pro -- Keep It Clean. I have it ordered now.
For my veggies I use aero in a box lol.
And a cool looking box it is. But if they're going to an nft-ish system it's unnecessary complicated and a simple DWC box would have sufficed (and then the roots would be in constantly oxygenated water).

Anyway, how is it going with the T5? And let us know if that product is any good.
Don't use bleach. Get a product called Zone by Dutch Masters. It does not gas off and creates a sterilized environment for roots suffering from temp swings, fungal infestations, rot, and oxegenates any stagnation or over watering. I use bennies through veg and 1/3-1/2 through bloom and find no benefit to using them any later. I then use Zone, it kills bacteria and fungus and you now have a sterile root zone. A little goes a long way and don't be afraid to leave the bennies behind.