Are pets just slaves?

You guys are some sick fucks trying to justify your actions! You know who else tried to justify their actions? Hitler.

Indeed, I am the all powerful Ultimate Authority in my dog's world; from me comes food, walks, toys, playtime- everything. Life and death. Of course, I don't have millions of other dogs slaughtered because of their religious affiliation.
I miss the days when the house next to me was a boarded up meth lab. Now I have neighbors that are always complaining about my bushes being too high and tree branches hanging over their yard. I may have to invest in a spite fence. Fucking gentrification.
You guys are some sick fucks trying to justify your actions! You know who else tried to justify their actions? Hitler.

Indeed, I am the all powerful Ultimate Authority in my dog's world; from me comes food, walks, toys, playtime- everything. Life and death. Of course, I don't have millions of other dogs slaughtered because of their religious affiliation.

You two sound like anti-caninites....
I miss the days when the house next to me was a boarded up meth lab. Now I have neighbors that are always complaining about my bushes being too high and tree branches hanging over their yard. I may have to invest in a spite fence. Fucking gentrification.

I hate people like that.

I used to live out in BFE. Nearest neighbor was a mile away, and they were still constantly in my business.

Gossip spreads fast and next thing you know you have a bad reputation about something that's not true, and more importantly would have been nobodies business in the beginning.

I once had the cops show up at my door, because my 18yro dog was asleep at the foot of the stares. Apparantly someone was peeping through my window, saw her, and made a complaint.

Nobody cared about the peeping tom, but my wife and I had to jump through hoops like crazy to prove that we weren't neglecting our animals.
Or maybe better put, kidnapping victims suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? I mean, we as a people just take animals and make them our little puppets and jesters for amusement and forced companionship. It's a sick thing how this is just accepted. Kidnapping isn't a victimless crime. What do you guys think? Should we start liberating people's pets?
I'm sure slaves from back in the day would love to be treated like house pets are treated. Many people love their animals as family members. Definitely not kidnapping or slavery.
Umm i didn't say we should bring back slavery. if you realy got that from what i said your an idiot. if your just trolling good job.:)

Oh, so now that I don't agree with you and your pro-slavery agenda then I must be an idiot or a troll! You are a real piece of work buddy! There's this little thing called the constitution! And it gives ALL men rights and freedoms!
It's myself and 3 dogs.believe me I'm their slave..

But coming home every night to such happy animals IS awsome!!


My neighbor down the road has one of these.yard always looks awesome! But my dogs don't quite understand what the hell it is..
sometimes I think they are slaves. Like I knew this one gay guy with no friends but his dogs and he used them as sex slaves , poor things. He placed video security cameras all over his home so when he was at work he could watch there every move. He even used to call his answering machine and talk to them through it... " Oh Lucy, Ill be home soon sweetheart." real sicko.
sometimes I think they are slaves. Like I knew this one gay guy with no friends but his dogs and he used them as sex slaves , poor things. He placed video security cameras all over his home so when he was at work he could watch there every move. He even used to call his answering machine and talk to them through it... " Oh Lucy, Ill be home soon sweetheart." real sicko.

So, you fuck your dogs?
Lol ok i think slavery is horrible and wrong can't twist that.
Oh, so now that I don't agree with you and your pro-slavery agenda then I must be an idiot or a troll! You are a real piece of work buddy! There's this little thing called the constitution! And it gives ALL men rights and freedoms!