Are my seeds ready for planting?


It's been about 30 hours since I put the seed in paper towel and wondering if the root is big enough to be planted or should I let it get a little bigger?

if so how long will it be before it emerges out of soil?

Also should I seal the pot I'm putting it in to keep humidity until it emerges out of the soil?

Strain is advanced auto skunk and I'll be growing outdoors.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Looks ready to me, just be careful when you plant it that you don't damage the tap root, be very very gentle while handing it. Also a little tip, a sharpened pencil poked into the soil makes a perfect size little hole to put it in and makes it easy to keep the tap root facing down. This year I planted a couple dozen seeds using that method and they popped out of the soil anywhere from 2-6 days later (though most averaged around 4, if memory serves), but it also depends on how deep you plant it. I like to plant a little deep just because I found that if you plant too shallow sometimes it doesn't go through enough soil to pull the shell husk off of the cotyledons. I didn't do anything to seal in humidity, but I live in a very humid climate where it rarely gets below 60% humidity, so if you live in a dry area than some sort of humidity dome would help, but I wouldn't seal the pot per se, I would cut a two liter soda bottle in half and put that over the pot after misting the soil, should keep the air moist enough.


Looks ready to me, just be careful when you plant it that you don't damage the tap root, be very very gentle while handing it. Also a little tip, a sharpened pencil poked into the soil makes a perfect size little hole to put it in and makes it easy to keep the tap root facing down. This year I planted a couple dozen seeds using that method and they popped out of the soil anywhere from 2-6 days later (though most averaged around 4, if memory serves), but it also depends on how deep you plant it. I like to plant a little deep just because I found that if you plant too shallow sometimes it doesn't go through enough soil to pull the shell husk off of the cotyledons. I didn't do anything to seal in humidity, but I live in a very humid climate where it rarely gets below 60% humidity, so if you live in a dry area than some sort of humidity dome would help, but I wouldn't seal the pot per se, I would cut a two liter soda bottle in half and put that over the pot after misting the soil, should keep the air moist enough.
I'm in Queensland so it's pretty perfect weather to grow. I don't think I'll need to cover it up. I'll just keep it moist.


Well-Known Member
It's been about 30 hours since I put the seed in paper towel and wondering if the root is big enough to be planted or should I let it get a little bigger?

if so how long will it be before it emerges out of soil?

Also should I seal the pot I'm putting it in to keep humidity until it emerges out of the soil?

Strain is advanced auto skunk and I'll be growing outdoors.
you are good to go...plant it, fully water container, within 2 days it should sprout...good luck..


I planted the seed about 8mm under soil. And put it a big ziplock bag with holes in it to keep it fairly humid and also to protect from birds etc.

I also have another seed I planted one day before I started the germination of the above seed.

I put it straight into soil without the paper towel method. I checked it just before and it seems to have a long healthy tap root. Just gotta wait for its first leaves. :D


Active Member
Now is peak time Im in Queensland if you start now it will vegatate into summer then because summer has longer days it vegatates longer and when you transplant into the soil the sun is hotter increasing the size of the plant if your watering is up to date the plant should get pretty big and then it starts flowering in the middle near end of autumn and then gets big buds in winter because of the days, they are getting shorter. Next best time to grow is the end of march in Queensland, well actually you can grow all year round if you want its just those are the best seasons for getting nice healthy plants. I get real into the moon growing and all that earthy grass roots stuff moon planting is (I find) a really good strike rate if you just plant seeds in the ground but betagreens method I like better


I planted the seed about 8mm under soil. And put it a big ziplock bag with holes in it to keep it fairly humid and also to protect from birds etc.

I also have another seed I planted one day before I started the germination of the above seed.

I put it straight into soil without the paper towel method. I checked it just before and it seems to have a long healthy tap root. Just gotta wait for its first leaves. :D
When you planted them straight into the soil, did you use light?