Are my seeds dead?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys please in need of serious help I've had my seeds germinating for almost a week now and nothings happening, I cracked one open to find a perfectly fine looking seed inside yet nothings happening growth wise. The last time I grew from this batch of seeds it took as little as 12 hours to show growth/change also its just random bag seeds so no idea on strain. I've tried different germination methods with no luck. I crack another open earlier today to find a mushy mess. Please guys tell me where I'm f#&$%ing up.

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Well-Known Member
I've got mine on top of my hot water cylinder and its always worked in the past, am I just being impatient

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Well-Known Member
I use rapid rooters and a germie dome and mat. 90% rates on seeds(early as 2 days) and 100% on all phases of cuttings(7-13 days). Also I have used seeds that were 5 yrs old and just took a little longer.

You tried dropping in glass of water and 12 hrs later transferring the ones that sank to medium like a rookwool or rapid rooter even a paper towel until it cracks.

"am I just being impatient?" I wouldn't say that, week in you should see something happening; but then again I have heard it can take some weeks to sprout.. SO I can't say honestly but me I would be the same wanting action.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah its difficult to keep calm waiting, basically what I've tried so far is 8 seeds in a glass of water over night and all 8 sank so I transferred them to a baggie with a moist paper towel in it and then my second attempt I put 4 straight into a baggie with Moise paper towel. I haven't looked into rooting chems yet.

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Well-Known Member
A shot glass filled too the brim with water pop a couple seeds inside then glad wrap over the top bro on a heat pad or on top ta hot water cylinder should do the trick,I usualy get 9/10 seeds in 1-5 days I have had a old old seed about 2 years old take 3 weeks but I think the shell was just super hard


Well-Known Member
Took two seeds off my flowering female and neither popped. ): looked mature to me, but read on another thread ppl wait till much after the harvest for the seeds to dry or until after they dry up and fall off the plant.

That said, shot glass and paper towel method has always worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Damn still nothing, seeds are starting to get what's looked like furry stuff on them in the glass grrr this is soo agonizing to have happen. They've always taken fast as

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Well-Known Member
Damn still nothing, seeds are starting to get what's looked like furry stuff on them in the glass grrr this is soo agonizing to have happen. They've always taken fast as

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Seeds sound like they are dead if they are growing mold my friend. Humidity maybe was too high after initial swell IMHO.
Maybe it's a Monsanto GMO seed. :p

I would try again seeds, can be a pain sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Still no luck even after numerous attempts grrr my seed baggie is slowly getting less and less. I'm on a farm too so shitty water shouldn't be the problem. Can someone suggest a somewhat fool proof germination plan for me

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