are my seedlings dying


Active Member
it is my first grow and i need some real help i started my seeds 12 days ago in a heated bubble i put them in dirt 2 days ago and put them under metalilied light and the next day a few of my seedlings fell down please help what do i need to do to get healthy plants


Well-Known Member
its hard to say without pics, but i can tell you that i had some seedlings that i didnt put into the rockwool deep enough. they were falling over so i used some qtips with the cotton taken off to stake them and then i tied a little floss around them real lightly just enough to get it to stand. the stems become stronger.

this of course is assuming that the things just cant support themselves and are otherwise healthy. you can click on my signature and see my adults, about 20 percent of which were staked using what i had around. {qtips and floss lol}


Well-Known Member
Well, you could soak your seed in water overnight, plant it in soil and get at least a fluro light "on" it until it's well established. The light should be close enough to warm the soil but not burn the seedling if you're not around when it pops the surface.
Then keep the light as close as possible w/o burning leaves. I'd do 24 "on" until the plant gets going, then switch to 18/6 if you want.


Well-Known Member
jus get a tooth pic or like mike says some qtips. i jus means that your seedlings stems are weak


Active Member
I think the bigger question is how much root development do you have. If they are well rooted they should be standing tall. If they are well rooted maby your light is too close how manny watts. With my 1k I put my seedlings on the very edge of my garden for the first five days. If they are not well rooted then put them back in the humidity dome. Just my 2 cents worth, good luck.


Active Member
im going to do what you said to do faded im working with a 1k also and this is my first time and im very nervous


Active Member
give them at least 3 feet of head space for the first week. One of the biggest factors in any grow is strong roots, make sure there is plenty of them. Another suggestion is george cervantes medical marijuana bible. It saved me from making a ton of mistakes my first time, keep trying and you'll get it.


Well-Known Member
dude i was gonna buy that book from amazon but then i wasnt stoned for like a half hour and i got an idea; piratebay. now i have it on my pc. i would highly reccomend it. it downloaded from piratebay pretty quick too.