Are my police growin???

Are the cops growin?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • no

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • who care who it is when they are ready steel that shit!

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Easy fellas... i hate thieves too. but when it comes to cops... FUCK... THEM!

They arrest people for growing pot and they're doing the SAME thing. it's FAIR GAME.. STEAL THAT SHIT ! :evil:
I kinda feel the same way.....

I mean cops are the worst thieves of them all. Taking shit on a daily basis....and how much of it you think goes straight into their pockets?


New Member
You have your own gun range? How cool is that ? :hump:

Maybe it's the cop station gardener growing. He probably figures they'll never look on their own property for weed.

Ok so my gun range buts up against the Federal Cartridge proving grounds(30kacres of bullet testing) and a police range. Last fall i went "exploring" around the police side and maybe 15-25 meters into the bush there were hundreds yes hundreds of plant growing in full flower. At first i figured they were ditch weed but after examination i noticed not one was a male and these things were sticky icky. anyways after the winter i went to shoot today and snooped over to where the plants were and it is all tilled up and looks like they tilled in a bunch of black dirt too. Are my cops in on a grow op? what yall think?


Well-Known Member
go spread some anthrax on it
whoooaa now lets not start talking bout ruining a perfectly good crop lol. Nah the gun range isn't my personal one i belong to a private club that owns it. As far as the cop range goes, i have never seen anyone there that was not a cop, no caretakers/property managers nothin but cops, and when they go there they are almost allways in uniform except maybe a few of them.
so once again if this is their shit i say fuck em, they are pigs. It has to be theirs cause its only like 25 yards from where they park lol!


Well-Known Member
whoooaa now lets not start talking bout ruining a perfectly good crop lol. Nah the gun range isn't my personal one i belong to a private club that owns it. As far as the cop range goes, i have never seen anyone there that was not a cop, no caretakers/property managers nothin but cops, and when they go there they are almost allways in uniform except maybe a few of them.
so once again if this is their shit i say fuck em, they are pigs. It has to be theirs cause its only like 25 yards from where they park lol!
be careful with this one. cops have lots of technology at their disposal.

you can bet your ass they'll have some sort of surveillance system.


Well-Known Member
idk, the only security i know of is the card reader to get in(they go through my ranges gate) other than that there is electricity for lights on the range but i have walked every inch of that place not to mention helped with half the building projects out there and have never seem any glimpse of a camera or anything, but... who knows.


New Member
That's all we need, Antrax flying on the wind and killing people and livestock. Anthrax is naturally occuring, if you set it loose it will live and spread. :wall:

Anthrax, is an animal disease caused by Bacillus anthracis that occurs in domesticated and wild animals— including goats, sheep, cattle, horses, and swine. Humans usually become infected by contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. Infection occurs most commonly via the cutaneous (skin contact) route and only very rarely via the respiratory or gastrointestinal routes.

Anthrax has a long association with human history. The fifth and sixth plagues described in Exodus may have been anthrax in domesticated animals followed by cutaneous anthrax in humans. The disease that Virgil described in his Georgics is clearly anthrax in domestic and wild animals1. And during the 16th to the 18th centuries in Europe, anthrax was an economically important agricultural disease

go spread some anthrax on it


Well-Known Member
why put out camera's when there's nothing out there.

if they're putting up surveillance they'll do it when the plants are in, and probably budding.


Well-Known Member
Harvest some, take pics o fthe rest, and then call the press, can probably get some bucks for your juicy story.


New Member
FUCK THAT, take it all if possible, but first get pictures.....cops steal and kill, and all we do is smoke pot!
yet they still arrest us when there so fuckin crooked its not funny!

steal that shit....ALL OF IT.


Well-Known Member
i think im with u on this one...

is the crop hidden at all? like some bushes or trees or nething?
nah the crop wasnt hidden at all just up against the tree line. you can clearly see them from the parking area.(granted i know what to look for, but any idiot cop should know too)


New Member
Stealing is wrong and shouldn't be encouraged. Even if it is pot and is illegal, theft is still theft.

Wouldn't you be pissed if someone like you came along and stole your crop?

FUCK THAT, take it all if possible, but first get pictures.....cops steal and kill, and all we do is smoke pot!
yet they still arrest us when there so fuckin crooked its not funny!

steal that shit....ALL OF IT.


Well-Known Member
Do you live in the area? If I remember correctly you said your property butts up against the range? Should you fuck with those plants and a cop or cops are growing it who the fuck do you think they are going to go after first?


Well-Known Member
I agree with skillwilll...wait until they are starting to mature and get the news in there(payback bitches). Id be kinda sketched tromping around in there though, they have got to have some sort of survalience. cops are bitches and cockmongers, not simpletons