Are my plants stunt-fucked?

fuck yeah

Active Member
Alright, So I've been searching around on the forums but I thought I just fill you guys in and get some pictures up to see if you can diagnose what's going on.

So this is my first grow, I started out with 8 seeds ended up with three plants after some mishaps and males. So here's a brief background story: I started out growing plants in various places two in a closet one next to a window and some in a patch of woods behind my house. The window plant and two from the woods are what I have left. I decided to move these plants into my backyard to get ample light.

Now that I have them set up in the backyard, I can't recall how long they've been growing for, but it's been a good while (a month or so) and at first seemed like they wouldn't grow any taller and now to add to that stress my fan leaves are starting to turn yellow, dry up and fall off.

I've also noticed that there are hairs growing at the very top of the plant and they are starting to turn red. I gathered that this is part of the flowering stage which I was not prepared for.

I would guess that the leaves turning yellow is from something that is in the water from the sprinklers that hit them in my backyard. But I can't figure why they wont grow any taller other than the fact that they may have entered the flowering stage already.

Any feedback would be great, is there any saving these plants or are they doomed?



Active Member
cut off any leaves that aren't productive any more. doesn't really matter if fan leaves grow close to eachother, it should take care of itself, check the ph of the soil.


Well-Known Member
The red hairs thing is fine. You need to get more dirt in those pots. The plants probably had to stretch to reach over the tip of the container, which is not good. It's wasted growth. Don't dirt it all the way up to the top.. leave a few inches. All the stem that you cover will throw roots in time.. or should, anyways. So.. once you've done that, LST your plants. Take twine and bend your plants over toward the other side of the pot. Tie the twine to screw-in metal ringlets on the sides. I only suggest this because getting them to grow horizontal will give you more light hitting potential bud sites and, thus, bigger plants. In fact, combine the two. Add more dirt while holding the plant over to one side.. not quite touching the lip. Then, once the new dirt is watered and firm, LST towards the opposite side. You should end up with the plant VERY bowed. This will let any lower sites see the sun and start growing much more aggressively.

Your plants are definitely budding, but there's still PLENTY of time to get these guys finished "right". The yellowing on the bottom fan leaves of the one look like N deficiency, to me, too. You may want to think plant food. When these plants are hungry, they eat themselves. Get to the garden store and let them know you're growing ficus that a friend informed you are N deficient and ask what they'd suggest for that. Go 1/4 strength at first. A better suggestion is to get to a hydroponics store, tell them you're going organic soil and ask for a full nute regimen.

Your plants look great, btw. Don't stress about it yet. My micro-grow had SERIOUS stunting early on, too. They get past it if you help them. :)


New Member
You put 'em out there too early and now they're flowering on you. You'll have to wait for them to reveg (at least a month) or you can start over.

The thing to do when putting them outside early spring with short days is to interrupt the night cycle by bringing them inside and putting them under some decent light as often as possible (everyday/night.... maybe a few nights a week).... at least until the days get to be long enough.... 14+ hours.

fuck yeah

Active Member
So when is a good time to be leaving them out, I do realize that it's the beginning of spring and days are still getting longer?

fuck yeah

Active Member
So I have another question, is it at all a good idea to be taking the top bud off the plant? I have a canopy with flowering bud and that's about it. If I take that top off would it continue to grow or is that only for the veg cycle?