Are my plants stretching?


Are my plants stretching at all? Also, what can I do about this one that is falling/slanting? They're varying heights with the shorter ones about 1.5 inches and the one that is slanting heavily about 4.5 inches, the average is probably 2.5-3 inches. So, are they stretching over-all? Or just a weird occurence with the one? Thanks in advance!
(There are much smaller ones that just sprouted as you can see in one of the photos, I'm not factoring these in)
I just watered last night btw, one had drooping leaves and dry soil, I re-watered and it was completely perked up. However, the stem was never slanted, the two leaves just were drooping. Any input is helpful tysm



Why did you plant them all in the same container?
haha Thanks so much for the question, theyre all in different containers except for 6, (which were planted between 3 containers, then there are 6 more in their own containers) because the first 6 are all the same strain. I don't plan on growing them all so I want to dispose of the weakest few. Tysm for the suggestion, I didn't plan on growing this many but got a few free seeds and decided to throw them in.


Well-Known Member
haha Thanks so much for the question, theyre all in different containers except for 6, (which were planted between 3 containers, then there are 6 more in their own containers) because the first 6 are all the same strain. I don't plan on growing them all so I want to dispose of the weakest few. Tysm for the suggestion, I didn't plan on growing this many but got a few free seeds and decided to throw them in.
Stop that shit.