Are my plants okay heroes?!


Hi all,

Need some advice please, I can't tell if under/over nuted or locked out.

Temps are fine, had one night cold caught me out but that was a while back, (22-28c) lights on 24/7, week 4 vegging.

Feeding 1ml grow per litre (bio-bizz) in 11 litre pots with 1 tablespoon molasses per 30 litres.

Lights are 2 x Mars Hydro TS 3000 set at full blast about 20" from top of canopy, I just turned the brightness down about 15-20% in case they are getting too much light?

Any advice would be much appreciated :clap:

Cheers! Munnamed (2).jpg.unnamed (3).jpgunnamed (1).jpgunnamed.jpg
Lmao, damn those look sexy. As long as the nutes, air flow, co2 are there they will enjoy the mass amounts of light. 2x mars hydro ts3000 holy cow! Those ladies look very nice.
one looks mag deficient, could also be sunburn since 20in at 100% is alot , should save that for flower

thank you mate, hoping that fixes it and a rise in feed, apparently they need more food if the lightsouce is very strong so I fed tonight with 2ml per litre and the light drop by 20%, will see how they respond :)
Lmao, damn those look sexy. As long as the nutes, air flow, co2 are there they will enjoy the mass amounts of light. 2x mars hydro ts3000 holy cow! Those ladies look very nice.

thanks mate, will see how they get on with a bit more nutes, thanks for the reassurance, it's only my 2nd grow.
Okay, the calmag supplement finally turned up, gonna give them a drench later before lights on with it and then will upload pics, see how they look :)

I trimmed them all as well as they look ready for flower next week, one more week of LST and getting the nutes worked out post soil correction (also got soil test kit arriving today that does NPK levels).

Thanks for the advice heroes, will update laters :)
Guys, I flushed because a full strength of feed seemed to burn them badly.

I turned down the lights to 25%, gave them a foilar feed with cal-magne (plant magic) and also 1ml per litre diluted with plain water was given to each 11l pot, planning on giving them a half dose of nutes on tomorrows feed and see how they respond will turn up the lights to 70% in a bit once the foilar spay is gone from the leaves.

Here are some pics, post foilar spray, so a bit droopy...
