are my plants ok?

Chef Feast

they have been going steady for about 2 weeks, but now they seem a little droopy and starting to yellow on the ends of the bigger leaves. ive been occasionally feeding them with 10-15-10 plant food and not watering them too often, or so i think. i just dont know what is wrong with them. and how long should u wait before u take them out of their initial cup and replant in a bigger pot?


Active Member
if too much of the leaf goes yellow just cut it of depends how big pots you are using for the 1st few re pots i like to use bio degradble pots so
u can just pop into bigger pot of soil without disturbing anything! you should wait untit the soil is dry on top prefrably befor u water them i water mine 2wice a day when in
1st stages im now into final stage and water once a day because light is only on for 10houres


Well-Known Member
No nutes for another couple weeks! And don't water untill the soil is dry looking on top ..and then add just a little.. there only babys!! Once they get on there "feet" then start the nutes! Give it time to rut up good before changing pots..

Good luck.


Active Member
yea i dont give any nutes untill after 3weeks of potting or re potting as the new soild should contain enough nutes


New Member
i beg to differ once plant has roots it needs food the trick is not over ferting them when my clones are rooted i start them into a feedin schedule and from a 3 - 4 " plant by the time there 14 days in veg there in the 800 ppm and 18" tall



Well-Known Member
i beg to differ once plant has roots it needs food the trick is not over ferting them when my clones are rooted i start them into a feedin schedule and from a 3 - 4 " plant by the time there 14 days in veg there in the 800 ppm and 18" tall
well said...i agree with you....i do the same....clones get fed as soon as they have roots...i dont go quite as fast raising my ppms as you, but i do feed right away...


New Member
well said...i agree with you....i do the same....clones get fed as soon as they have roots...i dont go quite as fast raising my ppms as you, but i do feed right away...
i use a 50 gallon drum lol what i did was mixed my food and it said 780 ppm i thought fck it an fed them they loved it from transplanting them normally you see a slow grow spurt well i didnt they just grew as if they were beside a nuclear power plant lol so now i transplant them into big pots with 450 ppm food and 4 days later 780 lol im stickin with it lol

Chef Feast

ok so i replanted them in bigger pots, no nute, but bottom biggest leaves are progressively getting yellower and it looks like there might be some browning on the tips. WTF??


Well-Known Member
ok so i replanted them in bigger pots, no nute, but bottom biggest leaves are progressively getting yellower and it looks like there might be some browning on the tips. WTF??
without pics its tough to really know whats going on...but from your description and post, it still seems like they just need food....feed them seymore...feed them!!!!