Are my plants flowering?


New Member
Super newbie here :)

I’ve had my plants for almost a month now and just topped them and put the toppers in some soil to see if clones could be made out of them. Can you please tell me if my plants look like they are flowering? If they are, what should I do? They are maybe a foot tall to 15 inches at most. I’m in Northern California where the days are just slightly over 14 hours now.

Any help would be much appreciated.




Well-Known Member
It looks like they are beginning to flower. Are they auto flowers? If they are oops, you shouldn't top autos, nor will you be able to clone them, at least for anything yieldable. Good luck!


New Member
It looks like they are beginning to flower. Are they auto flowers? If they are oops, you shouldn't top autos, nor will you be able to clone them, at least for anything yieldable. Good luck!
When I bought them from the dispensary, the people there did not specify :-/ I’m assuming they are not, since this place is known to be the spot for quality clones for the hardcore growers needs.

Is the plant too small to be flowering right now?
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Its showing signs of flowering (calyxs and pistels).

The plant can be out into flower at any size but I wouldn't be concerned with it being 12 or so inches


Well-Known Member
Looks more like she is just showing sex. Even if they are flowering, they will go back into veg as the days get longer. Nothing to worry about. Keep calm and stick to the plan.


Well-Known Member

Hey HeyMac

Are you growing outdoors?

"Is the plant too small to be flowering right now?"

You bought it as a clone so even though it's small it's an adult. It's probably a photoperiod and it may be putting out preflowers.
