Are my girls ready to top ?


Active Member
I think they will do fine. They are a little stretchy, perhaps more light needed?

Mine were half that height at the same number of nodes, even my sativa strains. I have a 600W MH two feet from the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Also I'm curious, it looked like you hadn't grown your girls up to the screen before flowering, which is what I had been led to believe was the way to go with scrog grows. Did you instead lower the height of the screen? Looks like it's filled out either way, so all is well, just curious.

Sorry for the late reply my man, I let the girls grow up to the screen and then started to bend them through it. I flipped to flower when the screen was about 70-75% full .. The mastake I made was havering the screen to high.. Witch just made it longer to fill up .


Well-Known Member
These girls are looking better by the day !! Flushed last night. Going to chop this bitch down Monday perhaps !



Well-Known Member
These girls are looking better by the day !! Flushed last night. Going to chop this bitch down Monday perhaps !
Mr.Chris Sir, you are a lucky bastard (lol). Your freaking buds are looking seriously bad ass. Wounder what weight amount you might be getting off a plant. Just curious because of your set up / lighting / etc.... Knowledge for my possible future grow. And by the way, thank you for keeping us all up dated through out your grow. Good luck Bro......peace.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the kind words my man !! I will deff kelp you up to date with a final weight when I'm all dried and cured !


Well-Known Member
Chris Man.... They look great, I forgot, but I think you said that this was your first or one of your very first grows????? Ether way, they look outstanding. Its something about your first couple of grows that get you addicted. Its fun to see something that you put time into and Bammm - You got smoke that you grew your self.


Well-Known Member
Yes my man this is my first indoor grow and I can't say how much I have learned and how many mistakes I have made. Just germinated so new seeds while these girls cure so hopefully I will do better the second time around lol.. Here's a couple pix of the girls I took in between burping jars .. The first picture is A-Train and the second is Jack Herer .



Well-Known Member
well this will be the last post for this grow.. I want to thank everyone for the comments, likes and advise along the way.. My final weigh in is just under 12 oz total. Not to bad for my first grow but I am aiming to do better with the addition of a air cooled hood and correcting the mistakes I made lol god knows I made a bunch lol.. Well here's to the new grow.!!!!!!