Are my clones about to root or about to die? pics

Hey guys, I've had these clones in a bubble cloner for about 8 days and i noticed there is white buildup on the stem.
The tips of the stem are turning kinda brownish though so... I just dont know if this is normal or not...this is my 2nd time cloning.

The 1st time I had 6/6 clones root but i didnt submerge the stems into the water and it took like 14 days or something, they were just kept moist by the water bubbles that popped right under them. I read that putting them in the water will root them faster so i got bigger pumps, bigger airstones and this time put 3/4 inch of the stem in the water. They all have mad bubbles under and around them, so they are getting enough oxygen...the water is room temp...they are like 2 feet away from 150w hps.... am i messing something up... or should i see roots coming out of the white stuff here in a bit?

thanks all!

