Are LED's That Good?

I wasn't aware that the op was growing in a warehouse. Thanks for pointing that out.

How large is your commercial spot?

He doesn't need to be in a warehouse. You can do ok in your closet/tent with a couple LEDs, but you're better of with 1k HPS if space/resources allow.
So, you think those fucked up scraggly plants look good (not a question, you've implied as much). That explains your love for shitty lighting, looking to fuck up plants like some weird kid that strangles cats.

Got any nudes of your mom (also not a question, you for sure have them pasted above your bunk bed).
repressed, squealing bitch, your fantasies are bleeding through


What type of bloated fucking asshole imagines that he's legitimately diagnosing plants through a blurple low res image?

I said "successfully".

1. Plants look like shit (discoloration, curled leaves).
2. Their yields (via visual and as they state, based off of square feet) are pathetic.

Thanks for posting a vid to back me up.

Edit: "posting, not "posted", stupid phone.
Obviously didnt watch the vid. They say they are getting the same yeald as there hps rooms only better quality. If you grew yourseld you would notice the plants that have curled yellowing leaves ( deficient nothing to do with light... You have grown right?) are probably at the end of flush and ready to harvest. The plants still growing in the vid look healthy, well as healthy as you can tell under the purple light. Just because you had a bad experience with led, or more likley you know someone who knows someone who used one and didnt like it. The research has been done there are literly 1000s of people useing them with awsome results. Maby they arnt for you. They arnt for me either i use a 630 de cmh, but so so angerly say they are shit and dont work on a comercial grow with so much evidence available if you just look for it. As i stated before if you do go led dont use cheep shit. Buy or build a comercial fixture from california lightworks or bml fluience. Grow mou5 has some great cob kits
repressed squealing bitch your fantasies are bleeding through


What type of bloated fucking asshole imagines that he's legitimately diagnosing plants through a blurple low res image?

View attachment 3964423

You're a blind fucking idiot. The curled fucked up leaves show up in the close ups, dipshit.

Push grandpas ball sack out of the way and you'll see. Side note; ask grandpa for his autograph and send it to me. I have a friend (goes by @Heil Tweetler ) that is a huge fan of "The Green Tea Bagger".
Obviously didnt watch the vid. They say they are getting the same yeald as there hps rooms only better quality. If you grew yourseld you would notice the plants that have curled yellowing leaves ( deficient nothing to do with light... You have grown right?) are probably at the end of flush and ready to harvest. The plants still growing in the vid look healthy, well as healthy as you can tell under the purple light. Just because you had a bad experience with led, or more likley you know someone who knows someone who used one and didnt like it. The research has been done there are literly 1000s of people useing them with awsome results. Maby they arnt for you. They arnt for me either i use a 630 de cmh, but so so angerly say they are shit and dont work on a comercial grow with so much evidence available if you just look for it. As i stated before if you do go led dont use cheep shit. Buy or build a comercial fixture from california lightworks or bml fluience. Grow mou5 has some great cob kits

This is probably the single most retarded post I've read... ever... .
Yup, "retard" confirmed.

  1. 1.
    at any time.
    "nothing ever seemed to ruffle her"
    synonyms: at any time, at any point, on any occasion, under any circumstances, on any account

bloated shit bag,
A1:duller than fuck, wildly misinformed, willfully ignorant and squeals like an abused twink
@Dynamo626 I'be seen quite a few warehouse grows filled with LEDs/COBs. They all look as bad as the plants in the vid you posted. Yes, I grow, have for a while (going on 20 years). I've seen enough plants to spot the garbage right off.

Now, I did come off a little harsh. LEDs/COBs can grow "decent" (so-so) plants, but they will not match 1k HPS. This is a fact.