Are grow boxes worth it? Should I get one?


Hey everyone. Ive been contemplating getting one for a few weeks now, i just can't push myself over the edge to buy one..
Although I know I really should, because just one time is all it takes for my parents to walk around the other side of my bed.
But in general, a box thats small, compact, holds 5 to 6 plants with a few cfls in it, a box like that because i need a cfl one to keep the bill down for them, will anyone just tell me its worth and their positives with their own?

:weed: Thanks.


Dude cut me a break, its not like i don't respect my parents. Every day i toss and turn the idea of throwing them away but im sick and tired of smoking
shitty weed. Not once have i smoked any kind of chronic, kush, sativa anything pure.. and actually natural.
I've smoked shitty formaldehyde weed for the past five years, at 5 dollars a gram. Can't argue with the dealer, last time I tried he told me to watch my mouth or watch my attitude, cant remember.


Well-Known Member
Jeez guys, the thread is should he get a grow box? Not should he get his own house, back the fuck off the guy, you don't know his situation. Apparently all yer shit don't stink but whatever, i digress. Anyways, Sheik, check this guys shit out, best tiny box setup ive ever seen lol. Not a fan of CFL's specially if you want superior bud like you mentioned, but this is CFL's in style hehe

Something like that might be what yer looking for :D Good luck man and fuck everyone that would rather be a dick than contribute!
agreed..dont buy those pos super closets etc..there total garbage,,build it, learn something and appreciate it even more wooot!


Active Member
why do some have to give there 0.2 as negative as they can be, shit i dont disrespect people just cos i ranna outta bud or theres someting jammed up my arse that i gotta put someone down. i reckon have read and have look here on RIU, go down to ya local hardware, TIP (if no cash flow) clean the shit if need be, learn the art of loving a plant so much that you wanna build a palace for it, thats what i reckon,

i personally went for a grow tent only as we rent a house and when we have the opportunity to own our own house then the engineering will come out..WOOT WOOT!!!


Well-Known Member
why do some have to give there 0.2 as negative as they can be, shit i dont disrespect people just cos i ranna outta bud or theres someting jammed up my arse that i gotta put someone down. i reckon have read and have look here on RIU, go down to ya local hardware, TIP (if no cash flow) clean the shit if need be, learn the art of loving a plant so much that you wanna build a palace for it, thats what i reckon,

i personally went for a grow tent only as we rent a house and when we have the opportunity to own our own house then the engineering will come out..WOOT WOOT!!!
God i wish i understood you, ya crazy kangaroo you ! lol. Nah but ya he's right man, be innovative, if yer tight on cash, find what you can, make it work! I've seen grows in small filing cabinets even hehe. It can be done, if you have the money to spend on an already built box, you more than likely can build one for HELLA less. Home Depot will even cut all yer wood for ya :D


Hey everyone. Ive been contemplating getting one for a few weeks now, i just can't push myself over the edge to buy one..
Although I know I really should, because just one time is all it takes for my parents to walk around the other side of my bed.
But in general, a box thats small, compact, holds 5 to 6 plants with a few cfls in it, a box like that because i need a cfl one to keep the bill down for them, will anyone just tell me its worth and their positives with their own?

:weed: Thanks.
I dont recommend growing anything unless everyone in the home is onboard. Its not safe or reasonable.


Active Member
often what people dont know wont hurt them. Now im not condoning disrespectful behaviour but we all dont know how the parents would react, lets focus on the question at hand..........


often what people dont know wont hurt them. Now im not condoning disrespectful behaviour but we all dont know how the parents would react, lets focus on the question at hand..........
I get that and I am not so much worried about the respect factor but the reality I is some parents will call the police on their kid.

I bought a grow box cause I'm not able to build anything. Total set up-not cheap but worth it. Good luck.. Be careful.