Are Feminized seeds the way to go?

I am getting ready to place order with attitude seeds and I was thinking about getting feminized seeds.Do they really work by themselves with no male?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
They would not offer female seeds if they did not work! I prefer the feminized seeds because you dont have to worrry about male pollen screwing up your harvest! Just nothing but Bud! If you plan to try to breed you need to get regular seeds so you can have a male.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
still gotta check for hermi' happens, but still, i did regular seeds this year, and it sucked...I was constantly killing males, and then starting other seeds late...waiting for more to show...weeding out the males, stressing and year...I'll spend some extra cash for those fem'll pay off.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you can still stress into hermie's other stains stress more easy than others..dp blueberry is one that stresses really really relaly easy..actally alot of dp stains stress really easy..but yeah i feel ya on the having to pick the males out..but shit some strains you cant even get fem seeds the ak47 no auto only comes in reg seeds and its like 120bucks for 11 seeds..


Well-Known Member
I buy the fem seeds grow veg for six weeksthen clone like a mother fucker and along the way mess with some regular beans.

Yeah fems are the way to go IMO but stay away from Dutch passion from what I have read the herm like a biatch.
Thanks alot.I am new to all this.I am sick of smoking swag so I can't wait.I am ordering t shirt with discreet shipping.5 seeds and shirt for 60.00 so that is not too bad.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You can get lucky with the regulr seeds! I allways germ 3 at a time and get at least 1 female. Im growing some TGA Jack The Ripper and all 3 seeds I germed turned out to be females. Looks like the 3 Cannacopia BubbaXDeepChunk are all fems too! Cant complain this year.