Are any of you here a Sensitive?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I seen the hoody three times, a small animal("pets" of the shadow people), gnome like shadow people. They put images into your head which they delight in. Some think of them as emotion vampires or maybe they're like online trolls.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You misunderstood.

What you seem to have read is "what is testable now is real, if it's not testable now, it isn't real", which isn't what was said at all.

Testable, now or in the future.

If it isn't testable now, where is the value in believing it's real?

The problem with religion is that it will never be testable, no matter how advanced our science or technology becomes. It says it right there in the scripture.

If you disagree, then how would you suggest we test God?
Pad, no matter how much you huff and puff and attempt to BLOW the house down, you have no more credibility than we do when talking about the existence of god or souls, you cant even say god probably doesnt exist without looking like a douchebag who is full of himself. From your philosophy, you should have absolutely no idea if god exists or not, yet you try to push the idea that god does not exist. From the fanatical standards, god cannot be detected by science, what does that tell you about science? ;-)

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Pad, no matter how much you huff and puff and attempt to BLOW the house down, you have no more credibility than we do when talking about the existence of god or souls, you cant even say god probably doesnt exist without looking like a douchebag who is full of himself. From your philosophy, you should have absolutely no idea if god exists or not, yet you try to push the idea that god does not exist. From the fanatical standards, god cannot be detected by science, what does that tell you about science? ;-)
lol man this happens every time. this poor guy (OP) wanted a thread about any information to psychic abilities and here we are arguing about god lmfao. that's what every single debate will come down to every time they disagree with something.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
First off I would like to say that I enjoy science a lot. I follow things going on with astronomy, aviation, biology and things with the ocean. I'm not too interested in physics, not saying it isn't as important, just not as interesting to me, or with chemistry even though I seem to excel in it beyond everyone else I meet I just seem to learn and grasp it so well, but it tends to bore me.

But from the post I've seen in this thread and in others, it seems a lot of people like to say that ganja man, and other spiritual people who post here are wrong. And I may be wrong in that and if I am please correct me. I often see atheist, or scientologist complain about bible thumpers, and how relentlessly they fight tooth and nail that they are right and everyone else is wrong, and how they will never, ever change their view no matter what evidence or lack of evidence is presented to them. These same people are just as bad in my mind. Because they also fight tooth and nail, that the bible thumpers or anyone else who is spiritual for that matter, are wrong in their ways. They refuse to accept that there just might be something there, that our current science can never possibly discover. That those people who they so vigorously fight to prove wrong, just MAY be right. Or maybe they aren't right, but maybe they have the right idea. In any case why is it so hard to accept another persons point of view, regardless of whether you agree with it or not. And why on earth do you feel the need to wander onto a thread, specifically aimed towards spiritual people, and bash those who come to it for being 'wrong'. There is no right or wrong on this topic, because no one has a fucking clue, and you will never have a clue, whether you are in a sexual relationship with your bible, or if you believe everything must be testable, until you are dead. Only then will you say, HA I was right! As you float through oblivion in a vast nothingness, not ever really existing. Actually then you wouldn't be able to say you were right, which is what all of you would love to do, now that sure would suck wouldn't it? Or you'll say 'ha I was right!' as your walking through paradise in the next life.

Learn to let go of your beliefs, stop being so thick headed and open up your mind a little to the possibilities, you ARE in the SS&P section by the way. And if you can't do that, make threads about what you believe in, and don't bother the people who make threads about what they believe in, unless of course they ask. I waited a long time to step in and say this because I really didn't feel it was necessary, I thought it would work itself out but obviously not, it never has before in history. We're on a weed forum, what happened to the peace, isn't that why you came here?

Btw, I like all of you, I read each post and say, oh good point. Then the next post, oh good point against his point. I'm not calling out anyone in particular, it's just so many threads get derailed when people flood in and try to call out others. I can almost guarantee, no matter what side you are fighting for, you won't convert anyone to your side.
Well fucking said Sir! +rep. Im looking forward to the responses to your comment. I may seem a bit fanatical about my beliefs but I dont see how I cannot considering the things I went through, but I dont go out looking to prove people wrong, I go out to speak with like minded people and it is the militant atheists that drag me into this wild goose chase in which the atheists think they have caught the goose.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I seen the hoody three times, a small animal("pets" of the shadow people), gnome like shadow people. They put images into your head which they delight in. Some think of them as emotion vampires or maybe they're like online trolls.
I believe in entities that feed of of your negative vibes. Sometimes I seen detailed sinister looking faces for a fraction of a second when my eyes are closed, that has only happened a couple of times though. I wasnt that scared when I seen those faces, I concentrated to see what else I can see. You can do the same thing in meditation to have a somewhat psychedelic feeling. One time I was meditating for a minute and the image of a golden body standing on a green grid appeared in my head, I dont see how that could just come out of my imagination, my beliefs dont really relate to what I seen.

I dont know if you know but I am infamous on this site for psychic talk lol. Everyone has the tools to be psychic. Exercise that pineal gland by meditating, even take some psychedelics once a month, and you will start to notice your psychic powers are starting to get tuned.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
I've experienced the shadow people five times in my life, face to face. Free standers as they're known by others who've seen them. It's more than a shadowy figure. They make you feel dread, loathing, fear and all other bad emotions. I'm crazy? Wtf?
I'm very curious to know why you are receptive to these negative entities. Many of us simply see what others cannot but do you ever see any entities that are positive or neutral based? I have the sense that all negative entities feed from our fear which is why they appear to us, in order to scare us and feed from the low frequency energy we emit when afraid. Perhaps youve seen auras around people or energy grids? In any case if they attempt to torment you, remember you may very well be trying to have a lesson taught to you, so perhaps the way to make them leave you alone is to not fear them.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I've seen a girl in a 1800s sun dress.Looked online for hourd until I found one.I never seen that kind of dress before.I was sitting on the toilet when her "ghost" sat on my dirty laundry basket and pointed at me.She went in my closet.It stunk ever since.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
When I get super high off a sativa, I'll stare into space and see abstract shapes. Then they turn into animals and demons/monsters. Each one gives me a feeling like horny, sad, happy, etc. Most of the time they're a violet color from a Vectrex.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...pad, the cross in your avatar fits well with your area of moderating. Happens to be a well known symbol of sex. Same as the Egyptian Ankh, and so on, and so on, and so on.


Well-Known Member
We all have the power.
This research on water is nothing less than fucking amazing. Human interaction has direct effect on water, and waters memory.
I'm starting to believe the whole music thing in grow rooms because of this. I think this is pretty key to figuring out what this place is all about.
Its a series but absolutely worth watching
[video=youtube;taQUrkB0nPQ] 1&feature=plpp_video[/video]


Well-Known Member
But from the post I've seen in this thread and in others, it seems a lot of people like to say that ganja man, and other spiritual people who post here are wrong. And I may be wrong in that and if I am please correct me. I often see atheist, or scientologist complain about bible thumpers, and how relentlessly they fight tooth and nail that they are right and everyone else is wrong, and how they will never, ever change their view no matter what evidence or lack of evidence is presented to them. These same people are just as bad in my mind. Because they also fight tooth and nail, that the bible thumpers or anyone else who is spiritual for that matter, are wrong in their ways. They refuse to accept that there just might be something there, that our current science can never possibly discover. That those people who they so vigorously fight to prove wrong, just MAY be right. Or maybe they aren't right, but maybe they have the right idea. In any case why is it so hard to accept another persons point of view, regardless of whether you agree with it or not. And why on earth do you feel the need to wander onto a thread, specifically aimed towards spiritual people, and bash those who come to it for being 'wrong'. There is no right or wrong on this topic, because no one has a fucking clue, and you will never have a clue, whether you are in a sexual relationship with your bible, or if you believe everything must be testable, until you are dead. Only then will you say, HA I was right! As you float through oblivion in a vast nothingness, not ever really existing. Actually then you wouldn't be able to say you were right, which is what all of you would love to do, now that sure would suck wouldn't it? Or you'll say 'ha I was right!' as your walking through paradise in the next life.

Learn to let go of your beliefs, stop being so thick headed and open up your mind a little to the possibilities, you ARE in the SS&P section by the way. And if you can't do that, make threads about what you believe in, and don't bother the people who make threads about what they believe in, unless of course they ask. I waited a long time to step in and say this because I really didn't feel it was necessary, I thought it would work itself out but obviously not, it never has before in history. We're on a weed forum, what happened to the peace, isn't that why you came here?
This is something that seems like it needs to be explained weekly, when in reality, you guys should already understand this, and why, and the fact that you don't is a significant part of the problem.. Beliefs can be dangerous. Beliefs like the ones that have been expressed in this thread imo, are dangerous. If they had any basis in reality, or you could shed any light on their validity, your points might be arguable, but they don't, and many of us have shown you how they don't only to be dismissed as arrogant, close minded and militant. If your answer to 2+2=5, is it arrogant of me to correct you and tell you it's actually 4? If you tell me red + blue makes pink, am I close minded when I tell you it actually makes purple? Am I militant if you refuse to accept the theory of gravity and I grab your wrist as you jump off the bridge?

It's hard to accept these points of view because those of us who work in the field or study this stuff on a daily basis, who understand the process it took us to get to where we are today, which took thousands of years, know the probability of the things you claim, we have an understanding of history which means we know what these kinds of beliefs can lead to and what real harm they can cause. We know they've been argued over since the beginning of human history, and we know that asking the same questions for thousands of years and expecting a different answer is the definition of insanity.

It is exponentially selfish to cause another person harm because you believe something that leads to political policy which indirectly or directly causes it. Especially when it isn't true. Consider the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the Holocaust, the war on terror, the war on drugs, all of these are examples of problems that would not exist if people didn't rely on unsubstantiated claims. This is why it's supremely important to insist on facts and not intuiton, on figures and data, not superstition and tradition, on science and philosophy, not pseudoscience or religion.

"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned."

If you expect to express such beliefs, you must accept that there will be people who question them. If you feel any inquiry about what you believe threatens those beliefs, then instead of complain about legitimate criticisms, you should ask yourself why you believe such things in the first place, and remember those of us that rely on science for answers have an answer for why we believe the things we believe and we don't have any reason to become hostile if questioned about them. There is only one reason a person would behave this way, and it isn't because they're confident in their conviction..

The oldest religious cave art is over 70,000 years old found in Botswana in 2006. The 30,000 years you reference is the previously found oldest cave drawings in France.
In 2006 the site known as Rhino Cave became prominent in the media when Sheila Coulson of the University of Oslo stated that 70,000-year-old artifacts and a rock resembling a python's head representing the first known human rituals had been discovered. She also backed her interpretation of the site as a place of ritual based on other animals portrayed: "In the cave, we find only the San people's three most important animals: the python, the elephant, and the giraffe. Since then some of the archaeologists involved in the original investigations of the site in 1995 and 1996 have challenged these interpretations. They point out that the indentations (known by archaeologists as cupules) described by Coulson do not necessarily all date to the same period and that "many of the depressions are very fresh while others are covered by a heavy patina." Other sites nearby (over 20) also have depressions and do not represent animals. The Middle Stone Age radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating for this site does not support the 70,000 year figure, suggesting much more recent dates.

Discussing the painting, the archaeologists say that the painting described as an elephant is actually a rhino, that the red painting of a giraffe is no older than 400 AD and that the white painting of the rhino is more recent, and that experts in rock art believe the red and white paintings are by different groups. They refer to Coulson's interpretation as a projection of modern beliefs on to the past and call Coulson's interpretation a composite story that is "flatout misleading". They respond to Coulson's statement that these are the only paintings in the cave by saying that she has ignored red geometric paintings found on the cave wall.

They also discuss the burned Middle Stone Age points, saying that there is nothing unusual in using nonlocal materials. They dismiss the claim that no ordinary tools were found at the site, noting that the many scrapers that are found are ordinary tools and that there is evidence of tool making at the site. Discussing the 'secret chamber', they point to the lack of evidence for San shamans using chambers in caves or for this one to have been used in such a way.

Pad, no matter how much you huff and puff and attempt to BLOW the house down, you have no more credibility than we do when talking about the existence of god or souls, you cant even say god probably doesnt exist without looking like a douchebag who is full of himself. From your philosophy, you should have absolutely no idea if god exists or not, yet you try to push the idea that god does not exist. From the fanatical standards, god cannot be detected by science, what does that tell you about science? ;-)

I can absolutely say God probably doesn't exist with a high level of confidence. tells me science is doing a fine job at discerning fiction from nonfiction.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Cool ideas and opinions, bro. Just dont force others to try and accept your ideas and opinions. Nothing ever comes from it besides people clashing heads never agreeing to disagree.The certainty you have in your ideas and opinions is a delusion, you might even call it dangerous ;-).

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
When I get super high off a sativa, I'll stare into space and see abstract shapes. Then they turn into animals and demons/monsters. Each one gives me a feeling like horny, sad, happy, etc. Most of the time they're a violet color from a Vectrex.
Wow, thats crazy. I thought you said salvia at first but thats amazing coming from a sativa. Do those beings you see act in a certain pattern? Perhaps they are trying to show you something about yourself. HighTimes recently did an article about ayauasca, the main ingredient in it is the most potent psychedelic known to man and the skeptic doing the article was completely moved after the experience and he is now questioning his beliefs. Monsters and beings shown him his destructive life style and what he needs to do to change.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member

I can absolutely say God probably doesn't exist with a high level of confidence. tells me science is doing a fine job at discerning fiction from nonfiction.
lol that was a great way to end such a time consuming post, very scientific. Science and your own method of approach is doing a great job of limiting your beliefs and nothing else. What's even greater is that you will hopefully see the irony one day and change your definition of what god is. Don't let religion steer you away from the word because that definition translates as some type of entity like me or you when the truth is more like it being a collective consciousness containing everything in existence within it. Why not just define your word god as everything conceivable in existence, that's as good a definition as any since "he" is supposedly all seeing and all knowing, what's more all knowing than everything in existence?

I just googled "define god" and let me state that almost every definition is different from one another and none define it in such a way as I mentioned. Tell me what god is before you are probably absolutely sure it doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
lol that was a great way to end such a time consuming post, very scientific. Science and your own method of approach is doing a great job of limiting your beliefs and nothing else. What's even greater is that you will hopefully see the irony one day and change your definition of what god is. Don't let religion steer you away from the word because that definition translates as some type of entity like me or you when the truth is more like it being a collective consciousness containing everything in existence within it. Why not just define your word god as everything conceivable in existence, that's as good a definition as any since "he" is supposedly all seeing and all knowing, what's more all knowing than everything in existence?

I just googled "define god" and let me state that almost every definition is different from one another and none define it in such a way as I mentioned. Tell me what god is before you are probably absolutely sure it doesn't exist.
I can absolutely say with a high level of confidence that any god portrayed in any organized religion probably doesn't exist.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
lol that was a great way to end such a time consuming post, very scientific. Science and your own method of approach is doing a great job of limiting your beliefs and nothing else. What's even greater is that you will hopefully see the irony one day and change your definition of what god is. Don't let religion steer you away from the word because that definition translates as some type of entity like me or you when the truth is more like it being a collective consciousness containing everything in existence within it. Why not just define your word god as everything conceivable in existence, that's as good a definition as any since "he" is supposedly all seeing and all knowing, what's more all knowing than everything in existence?

I just googled "define god" and let me state that almost every definition is different from one another and none define it in such a way as I mentioned. Tell me what god is before you are probably absolutely sure it doesn't exist.
I still call the creator 'god' just because its the easiest concept to understand. I put less importance on the creator though because we are no different than the creator, just inexperienced. Our beliefs about what god is are similar.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I can absolutely say with a high level of confidence that any god portrayed in any organized religion probably doesn't exist.
Yes, you can, because you are free to do so, but your opinion doesnt really say much about reality, no matter how much you bicker. You have no voice to the theists, and I have no voice to the atheists, it seems only one of us is aware and ok with that though...


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can, because you are free to do so, but your opinion doesnt really say much about reality, no matter how much you bicker. You have no voice to the theists, and I have no voice to the atheists, it seems only one of us is aware and ok with that though...
I've never tried to change anyones mind, only show people the flaws in traditional reasoning

This is an argument you seem to be having with yourself

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i have vivid and lucid dreams that end up playing out . .. . i can on multiple occasions recall dreams where i dream it then it happened mundane events like the my procession in a conversation and an action like opening a cupboard and removing a specific plate having a specific conversation

idk if its just dreams that coincide with daily events that happen, but it sure feels like a glimpse of future when it happens . . . .i dont normally dream at all so they stand out . .. happened a lot more as a kid\

to be honest i always felt it was just placebo memory's of reoccurring situations and the dreams being similar or close and then my mind connecting the two

idk just my .03

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I've never tried to change anyones mind, only show people the flaws in traditional reasoning

This is an argument you seem to be having with yourself
Reasoning is subjective for everyone no matter what your scientific idles and authorities say. If it was objective than everyone would accept what you have to say and there would be a lot less believers. You are trying to get people accept your ideas of what rationality is. Also, no one from the other side of the argument ever listens to what you have to say, you are not ok with that, you feel they must accept your ideology, which is dangerous because you are convinced your ideology is the best to follow.