Are any of you here a Sensitive?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
A Sensative is a person with latent "psychic power." I have no idea if it's a force we don't know about or a part of you from another life passed on through heredity. You can experience things others can't.Like feel a place is hot or cold when others don't

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
It sorta sucks. You know certain things will happen but not sure when. You cannot predict the lottery or anything.
It's like a place in the brain where past, present and future all come together and ever so often the door opens.

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
I'm an empath, if you've heard of that. It means I have the ability, to project emotions into others and recieve emotions from others, I'm not only extremely sensitive to picking up on what others around me are feeling and able to project my emotions into them, but I can tell when someone comes within a close proximity to me, for instance, I could be alone in a large field, and when someone gets ohhhh about 1/4 mile away I can sense their presence. The ability is usually latent, although recently, and after much practice, I've been able to communicate with others who are asleep while I'm in a lucid dream-state. I don't have any extra sense of the future or anything, it's all strictly "in the moment" if you will, but I think it's related to what you're asking.

And of course, MJ does wonders for heightening it! :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm a Mental Dominant: I can make others do anything I ask, anything. The problem is that when I use this force, I hemorrhage deep inside my nasal cavity and get severe nose bleeds. It's not bad for small stuff like, "Give me your iPad" or, "You want to let me in this concert without a ticket". But when I tell someone to jump off a building, or that they're blind, my nose gushes something nasty. I am also a little psychic, as I have hit winning lottery numbers four times for a total of over $500k. I thought I was the only one with these special powers, but it's good to see I'm not alone...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Can you please close this thread? You said you were interested, but I can see people are going to be fuckers. Oh it's ok to have a sky daddy but not this. Screw it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, try to keep the trolling to a minimum, a few people would like to seriously discuss this topic, thanks, I appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
A Sensative is a person with latent "psychic power." I have no idea if it's a force we don't know about or a part of you from another life passed on through heredity. You can experience things others can't.Like feel a place is hot or cold when others don't

What is "latent psychic power"?

What do you mean by "you can feel a place is hot or cold when others don't"?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I dont see how the hot and cold thing has to do with being psychic, I think thats just a mind over matter thing and everyone experiences temperatures differently, just like everyone sees colors differently. Maybe 'mind over matter' has an explanation that doesnt fit these accepted ideas of reality, who knows, I dont think psychic would be the word for it though.

I think once upon a time everyone had full control over their psychic abilities, then a catastrophic event happened and destroyed everything that reality used to be and now we are left with ghost like clues to what reality is. We are a species with amnesia and we obliviously have these psychic abilities but we have no control over them what so ever, and when they happen we call them coincidences.


Well-Known Member
I dont see how the hot and cold thing has to do with being psychic, I think thats just a mind over matter thing and everyone experiences temperatures differently, just like everyone sees colors differently. Maybe 'mind over matter' has an explanation that doesnt fit these accepted ideas of reality, who knows, I dont think psychic would be the word for it though.

I think once upon a time everyone had full control over their psychic abilities, then a catastrophic event happened and destroyed everything that reality used to be and now we are left with ghost like clues to what reality is. We are a species with amnesia and we obliviously have these psychic abilities but we have no control over them what so ever, and when they happen we call them coincidences.
LMAO! C'mon, dude. Pad said no more trolling...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You absolutely have no idea what I mean by hot and cold spots. In a uniform cold or hot area, it's a spot became the exact opposite temp. When you sense it and no one else does, either you're crazy or something is there. That's up to you to decide.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Padwan,Are the five senses we have all that exists in the real world?I have 20/14 vision.If you have 20/40 vision. Would my superior vision be magic?Don't we have machines like glasses that give you closer to my vision?Who says what I exp a machine detects

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...cs, the first 4 senses are the 'rivers' of eden. Mouth, nose, ears and eyes. It goes on from there all the way to Uranus.

(...actually not kidding there :lol:)


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I think once upon a time everyone had full control over their psychic abilities, then a catastrophic event happened and destroyed everything that reality used to be and now we are left with ghost like clues to what reality is.
...we start out as kids, fully psychic. This just means that we haven't learned to gauge by experience, only by feel. Later, the catastrophic event is based in sex, the first form of 'feeling' we have. It is quite clear that all of our senses go toward that end after we've had it once. :razz:

...they say that if we can 'cleanse' those senses, the others 'come back'. The 12 apostles are just that. They are the other senses / messengers we have 'latent / atrophied'.

...and so on :)


Well-Known Member
Ive started imparting commands to my dog telepathically. I can convince her to roll over with thought... which is a pretty big feat since I could never get her to do it with hand commands. Getting ready to move up to people.

meechz 024

Active Member
I'm an Empath. Ever since I was a young kid, I felt strong emotions and felt other people's.

I can read people like a book. I watch and listen carefully the little things that the average person doesn't sense and I'm able to figure out how and why certain behaviors are triggered.

I can figure out somebody's motives in why they are behaving a certain way, almost always.

If I'm face to face with someone, I will figure out your motives. I will know if the other person is trying to big me up or spare feelings before they talk to me, or if they are trying to hide something from me.
I may not know the specifics, but I'll sense you're deceptions.

I can also make people feel good without being corny and babying them. I just make them feel at ease by empathizing with them and they sense that I understand them


Well-Known Member
Same here with the empath, I'm also sensitive to the 'other side' or whatever you would like to call it. I can feel when something is around a d whether it's good or bad. It's extremely rare for me to see something, less rare but still rare to hear something. Last night i actually had an encounter ill describe when i get home to a computer.


Okay so last night. Two years ago I was taking an air conditioner out of a window in my room and knocked my old ass TV onto the floor and broke it. I plugged it in, and something was broken inside because it wouldn't even turn on. After that I've had it sitting for two years on the floor of my room unplugged, which gives it more than enough time for all of the left over power in the cells to die. Last night I woke up needing to blow my nose (stupid cold), reached to my left where my tissues usually are and they weren't there. I was like, alright weird but whatever. I got out of bed and turned on the light in my room thinking they were going to be on my desk. When the light came on I got a bad feeling but blew it off as being tired, I looked at the desk and the tissue box wasn't there, I looked back to where I thought it was but couldn't feel it, and boom now it's there. I shrugged that off too and grabbed a tissue. With the tissue in my left hand, arm slightly raised because I was in the middle of pulling it up to my nose, my right arm is now on the light switch about to turn it off. As soon as I flip the switch off, there's maybe a half second delay, and the broken TV which has been unplugged for two years, and doesn't even work when plugged in, flickered three times in a row lighting up my room in front of me in quick gray/white light. I was petrified, I stood for a good 30 seconds unable to move as the uneasy somethings here feeling overwhelmed me with the tissue still only halfway raised to my nose. After about 30 seconds I was able to compose myself enough to crawl into bed, my adrenaline completely clearing my nose for me and lied there with my eyes wide open for about 15 minutes with no more things happening before I could get myself to start falling asleep.

I didn't close my eyes or throw the covers over me like people tend to do because I have the stupid fear that even if I blink (yes I did blink, it's impossible not too after so long) as soon as I re-open my eyes, there will be something right in my freakin face. Just thought I would share my most recent story. As for being able to change the direction of the wind, I did a lot of reading in magic/paganism and I don't recall hearing about that, but I do remember reading that you can create or dissipate clouds. I've gotten clouds to form over me when doing what was instructed, and was able to make parts of clouds dissipate, but whether that was me or coincidence I don't really know because I never cared to do it more than once or twice. Also I might just be brain dead right now, but I don't know what you mean by some folks say tuition is like being able to see around corners.


Well-Known Member
I'm an Empath. Ever since I was a young kid, I felt strong emotions and felt other people's.

I can read people like a book. I watch and listen carefully the little things that the average person doesn't sense and I'm able to figure out how and why certain behaviors are triggered.

I can figure out somebody's motives in why they are behaving a certain way, almost always.

If I'm face to face with someone, I will figure out your motives. I will know if the other person is trying to big me up or spare feelings before they talk to me, or if they are trying to hide something from me.
I may not know the specifics, but I'll sense you're deceptions.

I can also make people feel good without being corny and babying them. I just make them feel at ease by empathizing with them and they sense that I understand them
You seem to simply be describing empathy and compassion. I find it easy to do all the things you describe, but I believe it is because people are simple and preoccupied. It's not hard to gauge someones attitude, guess their motivation, read their cadence and body language, ect. Deception is easy to spot when it comes from the average individual, someone who isn't practiced. People's emotions are transparent and therefore easily manipulated.

"Colors blind; Sound deafens; Beauty beguiles; The enemy of stillness is desire, remove desire and you are left with only truth." - Kwai Chang Caine